Chapter Two: Season Five

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Chapter two: Season five

I came to his door. From what I could hear from the other side of the door, he was shuffling around, possibly getting ready to go to sleep. I could just turn around and just let it rest for tonight and apologize in the morning for my inexcusable madness, or I can find clarity. I wanted clarity. I knocked on the door gently and waited for a response. For a few seconds I figured he retired, but then I saw the dim light from underneath the door. I gathered the courage and banged loudly on the wooden door. 

“Who is it?” He called from inside.

“It’s me...may we speak?” 

“I want to go to sleep!” Ivar snapped, “We’ll talk in the morning!” 

“Ivar-” I scoffed, “We could be dead in the morning, I need to speak with you!” A sense of urgency filled my voice in hopes it will convince him to open the door. 

The door swung open and Ivar jolted me into the room and quickly closed the door behind him. I can understand his anger towards me, but I will not tolerate abuse. 

“Do not do that again!” I growled.

“Sorry, I don’t like it out there at night!” 

“Are you afraid of the dark?” I asked, sitting on the edge of the bed. Ivar grabbed a stole and sat across from me.

“I welcome it!”

“First I want to apologize for my bitterness…” Ivar sat and waited for an examination. Ivar is used too getting his way, a little too comfortable with it. He is too used to the idea of being privileged. 

“That’s it…” I sneered.

“You’re keeping me up for a mere apology?” He chuckled.

“I don’t have to explain myself to you!” 

“No-” He giggled, “but I think you want to!” 

“No.” I brought down Ivar’s pride quickly as I sat with a sense of accomplishment, yet I did not allow him to see it. He cleared his throat and looked down nervously. 

“You’ve changed!” 

“I think you owe me an examination!” I said. Ivar looked up with curiosity. His eyes glistened innocently giving me comfort in the idea I can talk freely with him. 

I sighed, relaxing my shoulders, “We grew up together…” I began to say. “I feel all the signs were there that you...liked me...but I never knew you loved me as much as you say you do...Why do you love me?” I asked.

Ivar sighed, shaking his head, “Look at me, Sigrun…” He flared his arms up. 


“I’m not exactly like everyone else…” Ivar said.

“Well, no you’re Ivar the Boneless!-” I chuckled, “Your name is legend now.” 

“No,” he chuckled, humbly. 

Ivar struggled to stand, his legs were slightly twisted. He groaned in pain, hiding it behind his lips. My mind registered his discontentment and I know I would have a delayed reaction to it and that I’m more concentrated on his point.

He leaned over slightly, his legs began to completely twist into one another, he was in terrible pain as he hid it behind his blank expression. Although his lips also twisted together to contain the pain that it was causing him. He looked up at me, and said,

“I’m a monster, Sigrun…” He said. I shook my head, disagreeing with him. “Exactly, you never saw me as a monster, you just saw me as an angry little boy.” 

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