Chapter Two: Season Three

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Tension began to grow between the three brothers. Ubbe began to grow tired of raiding and he wanted to go home. Ivar wanted to continue to conquer and shed blood across the Christian world. Hvitserk was caught in the middle, as always. Hvitserk wanted to continue to raid with Ivar, but he also wanted to go home with Ubbe. He loved Ubbe deeply and he did not want to disappoint him.

I on the other hand was also torn. I wanted to go home to my mother, but I also feared going home. I know my mother would be the only one waiting for me. Sigurd will not be there. I felt compelled to stay in York with Ivar. It seemed my fate was to stay in York. It felt right. Ubbe wanted to make peace with the Christans in hopes he could gain some land. It was always Ragnar’s dream.

“You want to become a farmer?” Mocked Ivar. He cockly smiled at Ubbe.

“I just want to fulfill our father’s dream…” Ubbe said.

“Ragnar’s dream was not to become a simple farmer, shoveling muel, and harvesting…” 

“His dream was to expand, Ivar!” I explained, leaning against the post. “He killed anyone standing in his way.” Ivar glared over at me. His eyes were sharp and crisp.

“What is your opinion, Sigrun?” Ivar asked, “What would you like to do?”

The boy's eyes fell on me as I felt torn between them. I was going to speak, but I feared to upset them. I sighed, realizing I had done what I came to do.

“Ivar…” I began to say, “I miss my mama, I worry about her, she is my only family I have left…” 

Ivar’s hand slammed down making a jump from my chair. His lips hid behind his teeth, gritting them, “I’m your family!” He shouted.

I became overwhelmed, “Ivar…” Ubbe growled, catching Ivar’s attention.

“Don’t you yell at her!” Ivar looked over at me as my lips trembled.

I stormed off to my tent, I was exhausted. I have not had a decent night sleep in days. Ivar’s temper scares me and I try my hardest not to show him my fear. Once he learned how to stand, he became untamed and fierce. 

The thralls had already made a bath for me. It was late, and I needed to sleep. I began to undress myself. My eyes were fixated on the warm bath tub in front of me. A warm fire was already roaring, it would keep me warm even when the water turned cold. I dip my toe into it and sink in the water’s warmth until I was fully submerged. 

My thoughts raced through the events with the Heathen Army. Although, the only memory that seemed fresh and vivid is the last glance that Sigurd gave me. A pain shot through my heart and into my stomach causing me to cringe in the water. Childhood memories came flooding back of the boys when they were young and then I realized, those were happier times. Sigurd was alive and so was Ragnar. 

I came up from the water, when the memories became too painful to continue. I gasped for air as I rubbed my eyes. My heart pounded hard from my chest as it fought off the painful twinge.

“Lord Odin, I curse you!” I said, quietly. “You continue to torment me with these happy memories!” I sniffled. A bird came flying into the tent, perching itself on my table. It was a white dove with soft beady eyes. It stared right at me, twitching its head from side to side. It then flew on the edge of the tub. It cooed and continued to twitch its head. It was a pure white bird. I smiled at it as I clutched my knees to my chest. My hair dripped down my back. It then flew away leaving me smiling.

My pain was suddenly released with an unfamiliar reinsurance. A calm peace filled my broken heart with relief. I was able to go to bed without the fear of waking from my slumber. I laid my head down on my duck feather pillow and slowly drifted to sleep. 

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