Chapter Two: Season Six

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Chapter two: Season six

Ivar’s P.O.V

Being home has been nice, but I’m Viking, I’m not one to settle for mere contentment and growing crops. I have been having this urge to raid and travel again. Yet, my beloved Sigrun has been so happy with our new lifestyle, I cannot just tear her from it. She has sacrificed so much for me and my brothers, giving her this little bit of happiness has done a world of good for her. I just keep my mouth shut and pretend to raid in my head, however. The urge to raid has become overwhelming. 

Tonight, I’m going to talk to King Harald about setting Sigrun free. I know it would mean the world to her and once she is free, I can bring up the idea of marriage again. A lot of things can move forward and Sigrun will be much happier with herself. Everyone will stop tormenting her like Ingrid. 

When I left, Sigrun was already fast asleep. She is a gentle creature that sleeps soundly. It is the only thing that makes me happy that is at peace. I leaned down to her and placed a quiet kiss on her cheek, causing her to stir and smile. 

“May Hemidal send you sweet and gentle dreams,” I whispered to her. 


“KIng Harald!” I called entering the Great Hall, King Harald came in and sat on the throne. It irritated me to see him sitting on my father’s throne. I know I did not rule well at first, but now that I’m older, I know more now. I’m humble. I can do Kattegat a world of good. 

“Ah, Ivar, you wish to speak with me…” He sat down. I just stood at his feet, looking up. This visit is for my Sigrun, I need to remain humble, and at Harald’s mercy.

“Yes…” I said, putting my hands out in front of me. I cleared my throat and felt a twinge of nervousness.
“There is no easy way to say this, but I would like you to bless Sigrun with her freedom…” 

King Harald sat and nodded his head, a wide smile appeared across his face, “You want me to bless her with her freedom?” 

I realized now that I should’ve probably worded my words a little differently. 

“Well, she is not like most thralls, people already view her as a Viking hero, and she does not owe you service…” “Let her hear the words.” 

King Harald waved his hand and said, “You’re a God Ivar, you have more power than I do, why don’t you free her yourself?” 

It was a mock; a jab to me, in my mind, I wanted to drive my axe into his skull, but I will be committing treason and there surely goes my entire mission.

“Yes, I’m a God, but Gods cannot free thralls, only the Kings can…” I said.

“I’m sorry Ivar-” King Harald said, standing from his chair, “As much as I like Sigrun-” he stopped and smiled,

“Trust me, I do, but she reminds me of you, and a woman with that kind of power is dangerous.” “If you like my blessing for a marriage, please, I will host the feast myself!” 

I left the Great Hall defeated. I have let my Sigrun down. The one thing she ever wanted and I could not give to her. I have never been defeated before. It was painful. Not as painful as when Sigrun will find out I tried to free her and I failed. I opened the door to my home gently as to not wake Sigrun. She was still in the same position as I left her- her arm under the pillow and laying on her side. Her chest went up and down gently under the covers. 

I smiled and suddenly all my worries melted as I sat on the bed side next to her. I fanned back her hair as she began to stir awake. 

“I wish to not get up…” She groaned.

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