Chapter nine: Season One

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“Sigrun!” Aslang’s voice echoed through Freya’s meadow; disturbing the wildlife around it. 

“Sigurd!” Bjorn called, gently; concerned. 

“Sigrun!” Aslang sounded angry and annoyed just by her tone in which she is calling me. Sigurd and I gasped looking up at each other. We were in trouble. We quickly got up from the ditch and ran back to the pond. 

We met Aslang and Bjorn at the beginning of the forest. Sigurd ran into Aslang’s arms; hoping to be spared of her punishment. She embraced him instantly. Bjorn approached me and simply placed his hands on my shoulder. He looked into my eyes and said,

“Are you ok?” I nodded as I mentally prepared myself for Aslang.

She looked up at me with rage and anger in her eyes. She gritted her teeth and extended her lower jaw under her upper jaw. She gently pushed Sigurd behind her and approached me. She toppled over her feet slightly, causing her to appear gangly. She came up to me and slapped me across my face. I held my ground, however. Her blow could’ve knocked me down. A ping came across my chest like a nail to a rock.

“You left Ivar by himself and untended!” She shouted. “You stupid girl!” Bjorn and Sigurd stood and watched as Aslang began to call me the most heart wrenching names. Names not fit for a Queen’s mouth to spur.

“I should’ve never made you keeper of the boys!” 

“A pathetic excuse for a wife you will be!” 

I sighed, “Forgive me, Queen Aslang, Sigurd was lost!” 

“Hold your tongue before I cut it out!” She shouted. 

My mind suddenly went blank as I said: “I will never hold my tongue against you!” I couldn’t take the time to process what I said before her hand went across my face harder than before. I then fell to the ground, slightly hitting my head on the rock below me. The rock left a small gash to my right lobe; I’m heavily bleeding. The ping suddenly turned into a cracking feeling in my chest. 

“Sigrun!” Sigurd shouted as he charged forward; knocking Aslang over. Sigurd toppled over Aslang and began to pull her hair. Aslang screamed out for mercy. It was her only defense. Ubbe, Hvitserk, and Ivar stood from afar and watched the entire spectacle unfold. They did not dare to get involved. Bjorn took action and separated Sigurd from Aslang. 

Aslang quickly stood up; rage in her eyes and utter hatred for Sigurd. Her hand then swung behind her head and came down vertically on Sigurd. Sigurd fell to the ground as he began to cry. If my heart could crack open for Sigurd it would. If I could cry blood to express my utter sorrow for him I could. My arms ached to hold him. My blood evaporated from my veins and fire replaced it. I became overheated with rage. My baby boy. 

I let out a scream that echoed across the mountains making everyone turn and stare at me. Aslang’s angry face softened as she noticed my pain for Sigurd. Not for myself, but for her son. Her son that I carried for her. Her son that I fed and nurtured. He is my son and she has struck him. The Prince of Kattegat, future King of Kattegat, my future husband and she has broken him. 

I turned to her, matching the same fire that her temper holds. She became intimidated as I gritted my teeth. I rose to my feet, slightly woozy from my blow, and shaky from my raging fire inside. My fist balled together and my chest heaved with fury. I stood tall and mighty, feeling like a shield-maiden. I stuck my head in the air and inhaled a deep breath of fresh, crispy air.

I belted, “Long live Queen Lagertha!” I finally let out years of frustration and humiliation. Aslang began to shake where she stood. She began to form a ball in her throat. Her lips trembled in utter fear of me. The Queen of Kattegat, a famous princess of a Viking is frightened by the words of a thrall. I knew now she was too weak to even attempt to harm me or speak so much.

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