Chapter Six: Season Six

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Chapter six: Season six

We continued to move forward into the land. Wessex was truly beautiful. It was surely nothing that Ivar described. She had a mossy forest much like Kattegat during this time of year. If I didn’t know better I could’ve sworn we were in Kattegat. By now, we’ve run into two armies of King Alfred. The Saxons know we are here now. Yet, I’ve seen King Alfred stand with his army. It was cowardice of him, and it made me advocate Ivar as King. 

Ivar traveled in front of us, while Hvitserk took the rear, and I took the middle. We traveled in small groups, slightly separated from each other. King Harald traveled with his own group. King Harald broke his post, and rode next to me. He laughed glaring down at me.

“King Harald, you broke your post just to come by and laugh at me?” I asked, slightly annoyed.

“How does it feel owning a horse of your very own?” He asked.

Thralls are not allowed to own such luxury items, and owning a horse is such an item. I did not think anything of it when Ivar presented it to me. 

“KIng Harald, must you remind me of my present state?” I asked.

“You must not be a thrall if you are owning and riding your own horse!” He announced. Ivar turned his head slightly, listening to the conversation.

“Tell me-” He asked. “Why are we all going on this raid to begin with?” 

“Just as Ivar said in Kattegat, it is in our blood, and we must fullfil Ragnar’s dream!” I said, not making eye contact with him.

“Are you sure its not because Ivar wants to conquer Wessex and free you, and make you his Queen?” 

I turned my head swiftly as he found out our true reason. I cleared my throat, and straightened myself. 

“I assure you King Harald you have nothing to fear, we are just fulfilling our destiny as Vikings,” I said.

Harald nodded. “Besides, I could never have Ivar go on such sucide mission!” 

Harald’s smile disappeared, “Everyone was right by keeping you as a thrall, your ambition, and your tongue is truly dangerous!” I gritted my teeth.

An arrow suddenly brushed past me and hit a tree. A small army emerged from the ground and proceeded to attack us. I got off my horse and ran towards the charging Saxons. I swung my sword and decapitated one, then plunging it into another shoulder. The other three were taken down by Hvitserk. I turned to him and smiled. 

“You’re pretty fast there, little brother…” I said. Hvitserk smiled back at me. Berserker. Fog began to gather and other shoulders would soon be coming. This is a perfect spot to fight in Ivar’s eyes. He knows the area very well despite the looming fog. Ivar made himself a lookout nest above the trees. Hvitserk and I will be on the ground fighting. I was happy Ivar would sit this one out.  

I climbed to the look out in the trees and walked towards Ivar. “Do you have plenty of arrows?” I asked him.


“Do you have plenty of knives?” “Do you need more men up here?” 

Ivar glared over at me, “Nobody would dare climb up here to face me.” 

“These Saxons are fearless, Ivar, I do not want to underestimate them for a second,” I said.

“Hvitserk would take the front, I want you to stay back here where I can keep an eye on you,” Ivar said, I placed the hammer of Thor around Ivar’s neck. It is for protection. “I like watching you fight…” Ivar hissed, playfully. I leaned in and placed a kiss on Ivar’s lips. 

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