Chapter Nine: Season Five

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Chapter nine: Season five

Ivar has decided to push the idea of marriage aside for now and we just enjoy our time together as blissful lovers without a care in the world. It is nice to wake up in the morning and not have to worry about a day's work that will never get done. It is nice to finally think for myself and finally feel loved and appreciated. I was never one to be pampered by spoils and riches. Gold and silver never seemed to amuse me. The only spoils I ever wanted was the undivided attention of the love of my life. That is far more beautiful than any shiny trinket.

Times alone with Ivar, while the world was asleep, and the night was quiet was genuinely my favorite time to spend with Ivar. It would be just us nestled under the covers in our bed together. Our bodies would keep us warm. His large upper body serves as a comforting headrest as his heartbeat serves as gentle music playing a special tune only for my ears to hear. Ivar would occasionally wrap his arm around me and gently pull me closer to him only making his heart seem closer to me. Sometimes he would surprise me with a soft, little kiss on the forehead. It only made me feel small and yet loved within the warlord's arms. We would lay very quietly and enjoy each other's company.

"I must admit I'm troubled..." Ivar's horse voice broke through the barron's silence.

I sighed happily, wrapping my arms around his torso, "Why are you troubled?"

"I wish I could free you myself, not just because I want to marry you, but honestly for your happiness..."

"My happiness lies with you, my dear Ivar, for as long as I wake up in the morning next to you I'm a married woman." Ivar wrapped his strong arms around me and brought me closer to him. Love radiated off him and pressed into me.

"Promise me you will love me until Odin calls me into Valhalla?" Ivar pleaded.

I rose from my spot and examined his face. He silently whimpered and his eyes begged for an answer from me. He needed to hear me say I will always love him. No one has ever promised to love him. He is insecure and unsure of himself in our courtship. I wanted him to know I always did love him and I will always love him. I leaned over the bed and went to grab my small carving knife. Ivar's legs did not help in my balance act of grabbing the knife as I had to push myself back up onto the bed.

I then took Ivar's hand, placed the knife on his palm, and gilded it across. Blood began to pour from Ivar's wound that he did not even flinch from the sting. He was curious to see what I was going to do. I brought his hand to my lips and licked the blood from his hand. The warm iron ooze lingered on my lips and my tongue. Passionately, my eyes looked over at him as I placed his hand down.

"I swear to always love you even when Odin calls you to the Asier," I whispered. Ivar leaned in, taking my head into his cut hand, and pulled me into his lips. Blood smeared across my face and the residue on my tongue went into Ivar's mouth spilling out from our lips. Ivar pulled away and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Even when the Gods call me to Valhalla I will always love you."


Today is a very crucial day. One mistake or slip up and everything could go wrong. Today we are going to sneak little Igor out of Kiev and to his Uncle's across Rus territory. My heart pounded out of my chest despite Oleg being completely oblivious to the plan. He was too caught up in the spirituality of the idea of the Resurrection of the Christian God- Jesus. The entire town of Kiev began to gather in the town circle. While Ivar and Hvitserk went to find a way out of Kiev, Katia and I went to wake the sleeping Prince.

Once Igor was awake and dressed, Katia and I cautiously sneaked him out of the castle and down by the ranch. Katia changed into a different pair of clothes by the time we reached the ranch. Ivar and Hvitserk were already waiting for us. They manage to put together a small hay carriage. Katia, Hvitserk, and I will hide within the haystack. Ivar and Igor will sit in the front covered up.

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