Chapter Four: Season One

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Chapter four: Season One

I’ve come to terms that Ivar won’t be like most people. He is most definitely not like most children. He certainly won’t be like most adults. He is cunning and very smart. He knows the ins and outs of grown-up board games. Some grown ups cannot play these games because of the quality of skill it takes. Even I, as old as I’m, compared to Ivar are having a hard time. 

“There I pulled your Kingsmen out and now my Kingsmen own your field…” Ivar said.

“You’re a cunning little bug!” I giggled.

“I’m not a bug-” Ivar’s fist pounded the table, “I’m Ivar the Boneless!” I’m training myself not to flinch when Ivar throws his famous temper tantrums. It took Ivar time to realize that his outburst will not and shall not bother me. Yet he still continues. 

Times like this I wish Ragnar was still around. With Aslang and Ivar’s unpredictable personalities, I’m constantly living on the edge. I wish I had enough courage to fight back. Being a thrall prevents me from even speaking up. I have no choice but to allow Aslang to degrade me. Even in front of the boys. Yet, I know my self-worth. I roll my eyes and continue to do her job.

Tonight, Aslang was going to have dinner with the boys. What a treat. Was she finally going to pull herself together? Is she finally going to be a mother to her sons? I may not be able to sit at the join or join in conversations (unless asked too) but I’m intrigued to have my ears hang onto their words.  

“Alva…” Aslang called my mother over. My mother quietly rushed over to her.

“I see how close your daughter has gotten with my boys…” A gentle smile appears across her face. My mother stood quietly. She is trained to not speak unless a question were to arise.

“Who would you like your daughter to marry?” 

My mother looked at me and then back to Aslang, “Come now, mother to mother, I’m sure you want the best for Sigrun as I do my boys.” 

“Well, I would like her to marry anyone of her choosing really.” 

“And who does she choose?” Aslang asked.

“Naturally Ubbe.” 

“We do not want to marry Sigrun, look at her-” Ivar hissed. “She is ugly and gross!” He burst out laughing and Aslang joined in. 

“Unfortunately, Sigrun does not have the wildest of beauty, but-” she turned to my mother, “hopefully she will grow out of it.” 

It was the most heart wrenching night of my life. It was the first time I was called ‘ugly.’ I was the town’s beauty and my confidence and spirit was shot down. I worked the entire night holding my tongue fearing tears. 

Once our shift was over, I could not get home fast enough to hide my face into the pillow. I screamed loudly in it, hoping somehow the witch would not hear my cries. Once my chest grew tired, I began to cry my eyes out. I hated myself and I hated my life. I didn’t feel worthy at all no matter how much I beat my chest. I couldn’t do it with those boys anymore. I want out. My crying continued for hours until I fell asleep.

The following morning, I woke up to a cloudy morning. It was my day off and all I wanted to do was to sleep. I was completely exhausted. 

“Sigrun…” my mother said, coming into my bedroom. “Prince Ubbe is here…” 

I glared up at her as I rose from my bed. “Do you want me to send him away?” 

Sending away the Prince? My mother is mad. 

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