Chapter Seven: Season Six

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Chapter seven: Season six

Within days of my injury, I was up and walking with minor soreness coming from my back. Because of my injury, it has become very hard to sleep. I often find myself awake at night sitting in a little chair in the corner and watching the fire crackle. Occasionally I would kiss Ivar, reassuring him I’m still around. I finally began to sleep on my belly, which is not comfortable, but a few hours of sleep is better than no sleep.

My injury pales in comparison to ever pressing matters that lie in front of me. Ivar’s eyes have been turning blue a little too much as of lately. Even Hvitserk expressed his concerns for Ivar. We sat together on stumps eating our breakfast together. 

“It would happen maybe once in a while, a little more during the mighty cold winters, but not like this!” Hvitserk expressed. 

“He has a hard time getting up every morning, Hvitserk, and when I come around he makes everything seem ok,” I said. “He learned that from you…” “You had your days too, Sigrun!” “But you still pressed forward.” 

“I had no choice, I had to take care of you and your brothers!” I said.

“And Ivar now has reasons to press on just as you did!” 

“I ask you, my brother,” I said, “Can you keep an eye on, Ivar?” 

Hvitserk put his hand on his arm ring and said, “On my arm ring, my Queen, my sister, I pledge.” 

King Harald is now dead. Kattegat does not have a ruler, but Ingrid is still very alive and well and still Queen, carrying the next heir. She is strong willed and she will not allow Kattegat to go to us. The rightful heirs. Sure, Ivar could just take it from her, but in order to do that Ivar still needs to be a King of something. Ivar needs to strengthen his reputation. 


A lot of our time is spent scouting areas. King Alfred is smart, probably smarter than Ivar. Ivar is always ten steps ahead of everyone and he does not discuss his plans and ideas with anybody. That’s why he has always been a fit leader, he is cautious while moving through Wessex; thinking of his men’s wellbeing.

We came to a crossroad. It frustrated Ivar because he did not see this coming or his scouts did not inform him. 

“What shall we do now?” I asked.

“Well, we have two options, my love-” Ivar said, “We can go straight as a group and risk getting picked off, or we can split and lower our chances…” “Most would just take us as settlers passing through.” 

“I’ll take a small group and head right…” Hvitserk said. 

I turned to Ivar quickly, “I’ll stay with you.”

“I intend for you to stay with me.” Ivar snapped his reins heading forward.

I turned to Hvitserk as he came close, “Be careful.” Hvitserk laid his head gently against mine before leaving.

Without Hvitserk keeping his watchful eye on Ivar, it is up to me to keep an eye on him. I worry for him, we know his health is declining. How much it is declining I honestly cannot say. I do not let Ivar know I fear for his health only because I need him to be strong. He needs me to be strong for him. If I could give him all my strength I would without hesitation. If I could give him my legs just to run freely I would. 

Ivar turned his head slightly to me, checking to see if I’m still there. I smiled gently as he returned the gesture and turned his head back around. We came to an open field. It was slightly foggy, mossy, and muddy. I got off my horse and order for a scouting party to go out with me. 

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