Chapter Nine: Season Four

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Chapter ten: Season four

My heart began to race uncontrollably in my chest. His prences shocked me. He looks much older since the last time I saw him. His face is still the same, but I can see his maturity. He is a man now. He was truly beautiful, he still had his golden skin that complimented his dark blue eyes. His lightly red lips were much more plump than the last time. They are slightly chapped from the bitter cold, but they were delicious looking nonetheless. His golden hair was tied back into a ponytail and no longer in the traditional long braids. 

Once Ivar noticed me, his lips turned into a welcoming, gentle smile. That shocked me, he grew out of his snake-like smile, and now it is warm and inviting. He bows his head slightly to me, and as he brought his head back up, his gentle smile turned into a mischievous grin that matched his eyes. There is my Ivar. He pulled himself all the way to his standing stature. Nervously I approached him, I’ve been waiting such a long time to do this. Ivar is standing right in front of me, and I can finally hold him. 

Slowly he outreached his arms and brought me into his warm embrace. I completely melted into him. I’ve been dreaming of this moment, but never have I thought of how I would react. He was certainly warm, and I felt his love. His heart was beating steady while my heart was beating erratically. His lips were gently pressed against my forehead, but he did not kiss me. I knew it would be too good to be true. It broke me from my melted daze and I thought, maybe he has moved on and found love somewhere else. I slowly pulled away, while taking his hand and placing a kiss on it. I then placed it down and back away. Ivar’s soft smile turned quickly sour. The glitter in his eyes melted away and hardened.

The door opened behind Ivar and a small child, with dark hair, light skin and brown eyes came in. He stood next to Ivar and smiled brightly at him. Ivar’s gentle exterior came back and he halfly embraced the child. 

“Ah!” “Igor!” “I would like to introduce to you someone very special to me…” Ivar looked up at me with a widened smile.

“This is Sigrun, the woman who raised me…” 

Igor smiled brightly at me, “Sigrun, this is Prince Igor…” He was a sweet child, he reminded me much of Sigurd when he was young.

I bowed my head, “Young Prince…” I spoke gently.

“Queen of the Valkyries, Ivar calls you,” Igor said. “Ivar does not stop talking about you!” 

I blushed, looking up at Ivar, my entire body suddenly went numb although I could feel a vibration throughout it. My name has always remained on his lips after all this time.

Ivar brought Igor over to him and rubbed his head roughly against his fist. Igor laughed, playfully pushing him. 

“Not all the time!” Ivar laughed. I’ve never heard Ivar’s laugh before. It was innocent and squeaky. His smiled beamed brightly. I was stunned by his new approach. Ivar never plays with children; Ivar has never played period. 


We all sat together and ate lunch. Although Igor sat quietly eatting some strange dried fruits. He was an innocent child, naive, and curious. Ivar was telling us about his journey across the Silk Road. I listened immensely with curiosity. His voice was soothing and it made it easy to listen. 

“Were you ok traveling by yourself?” I asked him. 

“I was never alone…” he spoke gently, “I’ve always had my thoughts on Kattegat, on home.” 

I looked down sadly, “Bjorn is King now, and Lagertha is dead…” 

“Oh.” Ivar tilted his head surprisingly. “Hvitserk killed was never your destiny to kill her after all.” Ivar nodded. Feeling he seemed disinterested, I quickly switched the subject.

“Katia is really pretty,” I said, “Although she looks so much like Freydis.”

Ivar looked up surprisingly, “You see it too?” 

“Splitting image.” 

Ivar fluttered his eyes and twisted his head slightly, “I-I don’t want to talk about Freydis.” 

Seeing it bothers Ivar I did not go further about Katia. I left it as she is a sweet girl. I reached in for some more meat. Ivar caught my arm and slowly turned my wrist to him revealing my ever so still bruised arms from Bjorn. Ivar’s face vibrated and shook with insane rage and fury. His eyes began to have balls of fire burn within them. His lips curled behind his teeth, trying to contain his anger.

“Bjorn did this,” I softly said. Even after all these years I still fear Ivar's temper, however. I've trained myself very well to not react to his temperment. Ivar gradually calm down, he then placed a comforting kiss on my wrists and placed them nicely in my lap. 

“She got them for trying to save me, Ivar…” Hvitserk said. “Blame me.” 

“I do not blame you, brother…” “She defended you, because she loves you, as she always did.” 

“I would gladly die for the both of you,” “I’m not afraid of Valhalla.” Ivar smiled. “Fearless.”


Princess Katia kindly lended me one of her dresses to wear. My clothes from Kattegat are thin and the cold will go right through them. It was a beautiful dark blue silk dress that matched somewhat Hvitserk wore. We followed Ivar back to the throne room. We then bowed down to the Prince and the Princess of Kiev. Prince Oleg still sat with a cocky smile on his face that I gladly wanted to slap off.

“Prince Oleg, I want to formally introduce you to Hvitserk, my brother, and Sigrun, the woman who raised me!”

“Please forgive my cruel treatment towards you, Princess Sigrun…” He said, “Ivar expressed to me how important you are.” 

I bowed my head slightly, although while my head was down, I just rolled my eyes. His apology was just futile.

Katia approached me and took my hand in hers. “Come sit with me, sister…” She said,

“Sister?” I asked, as we walked to a small area with pillows.

“Yes, we can be good friends, you and I…” She said. We sat down on the pillows while sipping on scented hot water. Ivar and Hvitserk sat with Prince Oleg across the room. It burned to be away from Ivar. I haven’t seen him in such a long time and all I want to be is next to him. I kept an eye on him as Katia talked. She noticed my strong attraction to Ivar and smiled halfly. 

“He is truly a handsome man…” She said, “I will admit I have grown an attraction to him myself.”

A burning rage rose within me, as she talked about being attracted to Ivar. “We have actually shared our bed together.”

I suddenly dropped my cup on the ground as the glass shattered across the floor. It did not startle Katia in the least. My heart suddenly crumbled and shrunk in size for Ivar. 

“Although…” she continued. 

“We actually never mated…” I looked at her.

“Even though I’m the splitting image of Freydis, Ivar’s wife, he has an undying, unconditional love for you that kept him from disgracing my vows.”

I looked over at Ivar who had the full attention of Prince Oleg. He seemed upset and concentrated as if he was scheming a plan. Hvitserk sat with his head down in what seemed like shame. I smiled at him and felt honored by his undying loyalty towards me. Katia is a beautiful woman, but Ivar’s love belongs to me. I would follow him to Ragnarok.

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