Chapter Ten: Season Five

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Chapter ten: Season five

The next day we began our journey to Kiev. Prince Dir had a plan to confront Oleg with all his forces and kill him. It was a good and simple plan, a plan in which Ivar followed, despite all the flaws. Honestly, I could’ve killed the bastard myself and no one would bat an eye about it. Oleg has no friends, and his guards are not loyal. Yet, we did all this for the safety and security of the next true heir of Kiev.

When we arrived in Kiev, the town was strangely quiet, and eerie. By now, I’m sure, Oleg has found out that Igor has been missing along with Ivar, Hvitserk and Katia. Although, his kniveing and overdramatic mind would somehow think I kidnapped all of them. I’m his least favorite. I’m a perfect target. I’m still a thrall and no one would care if I were to die. Well, Ivar and Hvitserk would care.

We arrived by the gates of the castle, above us was the balcony, and Oleg was standing on it. He was crying as he reached out his hand towards the awning crowd. What an actor. It was nearly sickening. Yet, not a single person believed he was crying for his beloved Katia or his precious nephew. He was crying because he knew everyone was turning on him. He was completely defenseless. Oleg the Prophet, he had no idea that eventually his tyranny would turn his people against him. 

“He is just a man, you see?” I said, leaning over to Ivar. Reminding him of his phase of being a God. Ivar smirked, turning his head slightly.

“Channel your anger from me to Oleg-” Ivar said, looking over his shoulder, then turning,
“I’m not the enemy right now.” I leaned back, standing next to Katia who looked upon her husband.

“My friends!” Oleg cried out, “You do not need to fear me!” “I’m your King! I’m a good King!” 

I scoffed. 

“My dearest Katia-” Oleg shouted, Katia turned her head away. I placed my hand on her shoulder which irritated Oleg. I turned and wickedly smiled at him. He can’t do anything to me, if he does, Ivar would stop him. 

Ivar handed Igor a bow and arrow. “My dear, Igor- you- I’ve always loved you!”  Igor hesitated as he aimed the arrow at his uncle. Dir reminded Igor that Oleg is manipulating him. Yet, Igor still hesitated. He is such a good hearted child, he does not have it in him to kill his pathetic uncle. Ivar gently took the arrow from Igor and struggled to pull it back. It is impossible for Ivar to stand without assistance. Igor noticed how Ivar struggled and took back the arrow right away. Igor aimed the arrow and shot it through Oleg’s chest. The tyrant Prince paused for a split second and glanced upon his ‘loyal’ subjects. He then tumbled down the balcony and landed dead on the ground.

In all honesty, I thought Oleg’s death was going to bring joy and happiness, particularly to me. I’m not happy. I actually feel bad for the Prince, he probably was never like this. He probably had a tyrant mother just like Ivar and Hvitserk that molded him this way. I turned to Katia to see tears streaming down her milky white cheeks. Everyone around me stood perfectly still in silence. I can see why Ivar wanted to go back to Kattegat- this is one confusing city. 


Igor is named the official Prince of Kiev, until is old enough, Prince Dir will be his most trusted royal advisor. As his first act, Igor ordered for Oleg to have a Christian funeral. Most people would toss tyrants aside, but Igor granted his uncle one thing that he lacked in life: human decency. It was a quiet and blissful ceremony. Katia- now a widow- dressed the part to say goodbye to her husband. 

As I watched in utter boredom, I overheard the boys talking about leaving Kiev and hinting to go back to Kattegat. My heart suddenly fell from my chest to my stomach and I gasped silently to myself. Kattegat. Bad memories. As far as I’m concerned, there is not one son of Ragnar that is sitting on the throne that will grant us safe passage. I highly doubt anyone would grant us safe passage into Kattegat. Even if there is safe passage, Ivar and Hvitserk will be targets, outcasts, and misfits. They will not be treated as Princes as they are used too.

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