Chapter Ten: Season Six

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Chapter Ten: Season six

It was impossible to keep myself occupied in camp with no one around to talk to. I sat by our tent fiddling around with torn grass in one hand, my ax carefully balanced on my leg as it jiggled, and my other hand helplessly dangling from my side. My lips quiver as I thought that the worst has happened already. I feared for Hvitserk, but I also feared for Ivar the most. I could not feel my heartbeat through my chest, but I could feel it on my arm, and it was fast. 

I know what I must do, and I must do it now, but that means I will be disobeying my husband’s wishes. It is only out of pure love and respect that I put my childish pride behind and listened to Ivar. Although, a part of me was nagging to get out on the battlefield. Another part of me was keeping myself here in fear I might be punished. My other self was reassuring myself that I was doing this for Ivar. It was annoying. I groaned, putting my head in my head. 

A high growl caused me to stir and jump from my spot. Loud thuds began to make the Earth rumble below me. I lost my balance and fell to the floor. I then looked up slowly to see a large, four clawed, hunger-driven wolf. His eyes were dark and void. His mouth dribbled with drool and his teeth were large and sharpe. I stood up slowly, taking my axe in my hand. I slowly removed my sword from my sleeve as he growled louder. 

“You are not like your brothers from Kiev…” I said. He bowed his down then stood up slowly. He is much taller then I anticipated. 

“I know who you are: you are Loki’s son, I guess Ragnarok is truly upon us.” He gave me another loud growl, figuring he could scare me into submission.

“You do not scare me, son of Loki…” It then stood tall as I slowly put myself into formation. 

Let’s dance. It quickly pounced at me, knocking me down to the ground.

I lost my sword and my ax above my head, I titled back to see it turned around quickly and charged back at me. I was meant to grab my axe, but instead I grabbed a handful of dirt. I quickly threw the dirt into the wolf’s eyes. It gave me just a few seconds to scan the grounds for my weapons, but they were nowhere to be found. I snapped the rod that was holding up the tent and plunged it into the creature’s eye. It howled in pain, giving me more time to search for my weapons. 

I saw them underneath the wolf, I ran and slid under the wolf, taking my sword in one hand and my ax in another. Swiftly, I plunged my sword into its heart, blood poured from it’s wound and onto my face, I looked down as the warm liquid covered me. I grunted, moving back as it moved forward; gasping it’s last breath. I heaved from the excitement and the rush. It collapsed dead onto our tent. 

I was furious with the Gods, I dare to be angry with them. Mostly Loki. Loki has played a big part of my life and I’m tired of his tricks. I screamed out into the forest. 

“LOKI!” “God of Mischief, brother of Odin!” I heaved in anger. 

“I’m no longer your entertainment!” I spinned to the opening of the trees and realized I wanted blood. I want more and I want it now. I quickly grabbed my ax, my sword, and my helmet and hop on the horse and rode out to the battlefields. 


The screams and ringing of swords could be heard across the plains. I got off my horse and noticed Ivar standing in the bushes along with a few other men. It seemed as though our men were winning and I wanted to join my brothers and sisters. Odin, protect me. I charged forward on my own will and without any command. My footsteps pounded on the ground as I swiftly ran to the battle. 

I ran past Ivar as we met eye to eye, he seemed shocked, but he did not stop me going out there. I drew my sword and began taking down Christans. I took down three at a time and then it grew to five. I had to stay concentrated and poised otherwise, I would lose my life. I would like to live another day. I saw King Alfred fighting against Hvitserk, pushing and shoving my little brother. For a moment, I didn’t see the handsome young man that is now known as the Berserker, I saw the small little boy that I held in my arms. 

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