Chapter Five: Season Three

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Ragnar, your Kattegat has darkened. An evil ruler, in the shape of a God, has taken your place. Everyone walks in fear. Children don’t play and laugh like they used to. No woman is safe from the henchmen that serve Ivar. Ragnar, the Kattegat we once called home, no longer exists. I curse the day you left, I curse King Elle for taking you away from us, and I curse the day you help Aslang conceive Ivar.

I had offered Ivar to be a thrall in the Great Hall, but he refused persistently. As of now, I still have my own free will that Lagertha has given me. As a sign of good faith, Ivar offered me a brand new silver piece of Thor’s hammer. When a Viking wears the hammer around their neck they will always be protected by the Earth God. I wear it morning, noon, and night. It is my first valuable possession to myself. 

The morning light shined right onto my head as I laid with my head on my pillow. My hair was whipped over my face and my legs were pushed off to the side. I felt a familiar warmth hover over me as I turned and jumped from my bed. Hvitserk stood and laughed, the new morning light shone in the back of him. I laughed back with him. 

“Are you ready to go swimming?” He said, I swiftly turned, grabbing my sword and my swim pants and tank tunic. I rushed out of bed, grabbing some sweet bread on the way out. Hvitserk and I found comfort in each other in Ivar’s reign. We make each other’s day so much brighter and lighter. Hvitserk rushed, removing all of his clothes and jumping into the river. I quickly changed into my swimsuit and jumped right in with him.

“Woah!” Hvitserk howled, his voice echoed in between the black rocks that towered over us. I dived down deep into the water and went to grab his feet. He jolted slightly as he took me by the hair and pulled me up. 

“Ow!” I laughed. 

“Don’t be a silly girl!” Hvitserk exclaimed. His smile beamed in front of me that made his dark, dull eyes so bright. 


I became alive again for the first time, and it’s all because of Hvitserk. I never knew someone could bring such happiness. He was fun, mischievous, and devilishly clever. He has not changed at all since he was a little boy. He is still- practically- a little boy at heart. 

Hvitserk made us a little fire as we made some fish for lunch. Hvitserk can eat two whole fish himself, while I could only eat half yet. I watched in amazement as Hvitserk picked the meat off right off the bones. He looked up at me with a questionable expression.


“Where does all that food go?” I asked.

Hvitserk laughed, “I’m a man now, I need to eat!” “Mm, after this we’ll head back.”

“Must we?” I asked, sadly, “I hate to see if Ivar had set something on fire!” 

I looked down and fiddled with the fish in my hands, the oil spill from it as it turned to mush. 

“My guess is that you’re not too happy with how he ruled Kattegat?” Hvitserk asked. 

“I thought he would rule with just and good, just as your father- Well, Ragnar didn’t have it perfect, but he had love and compassion….”

“Ivar has been cruel and fearful, he…” I was afraid to confess, “He even scared me.” 

Hvitserk moved over to me and took the hammer of Thor around my neck in his hands, “He gave you this for a reason…”

“Ivar gave you this so you’ll always be protected by Thor.” “You are protected from his wrath.” 

Never would I think that I would have to be protected from Ivar. The Cripple.

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