Chapter Two: Season Four

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During the winter in Kattegat, it is normal that some become sick or to feel under the weather. As I rebuilt my new home, I happened to find my mother’s bind of remedies she used to use on me when I was sick. Each day I would head out with her and go around and check on the people of Kattegat. If they were sick, I offered my services free of charge. Most of the people I have helped were young children with a little sniffle. It was the first winter that people were not dying. It is because of me. I was the Valkyrie that saved everyone from Sigrun. It was humbling, allowing me to find peace as a thrall.

I convinced myself to visit the drug tent today. My mother has always warned me to stay clear of that place, but I’ve always felt (Sorry) for those people. They have lost their way and possibly their faith in the Gods, I’m sure some of my mother’s orange zest oil would bring them some clarity. Also to have my warm presence there will make them feel loved. My dagger is gently placed on my side, hidden by my cloak just in case there is trouble. 

As I entered the tent, the smell of decay and mold filled my nose causing it to get stuck in my throat. I covered my nose and scoffed to myself. Buzzards flew around indicating that the deceased also resided here. I graciously stepped over some of the people who seemed to be asleep and kneeled down to an elderly gentleman who needed some nourishment. 

“Hello, sir!” I said. He picked up his head, slowly, the light gilded against his face revealing his long white beard and his skin against his bones. 

“Are you here to take me to Valhalla?” He mumbled. 

“No-” I chuckled. I went into my basket and took out a small piece of bread covered in honey. 

“I’m here to offer you this.” 

His thin, shaking arms reached out and took the bread into his hand. His eyes lighted up as he took a bite of the sweet bread. He nodded as he chewed, indicating his gratefulness.

A familiar voice suddenly caught my ear from behind me. I turned as I was still on my knees. My eyes glared over my shoulder to see Hvitserk hunched over and shaking. He removed his arm ring and placed a kiss on it and handed it over to the dealer. It angered me. An arm ring is the most prized possession a Viking can have on them self and Hvitserk just traded it. 

“Go save him…” the elderly man whimpered. I turned to him as the light faded from his face.

“’s...too...late.” His head dropped to his shoulder. I got up and rushed over to Hvitserk. I did not have a plan, except to allow my anger to take full control.

“No!” I growled, pushing the dealer. The arm ring became loose in his hands as I quickly grabbed it. 

“Now Missy, I allowed you to come in here, do not test me!” He said. 

“You have no right to take the Prince’s arm ring!” I said, breathlessly. 

“Who do you think you are?” 

“I’m Sigrun, Queen of the Valkyries, I can send you to Valhalla instantly!” I said, proudly. 

He laughed, lifting his head, “You are Sigrun the thrall, you were born one-” he removed a knife from his pocket, “and you shall die like one!” 

Hvitserk suddenly fell back allowing me arm room to remove my dagger and plunging it into the dealer’s neck. He dropped to the floor quickly: dead.

I panted gently, turning to Hvitserk as he stood. His eyes were darkened and his hair hung around his white face. 

“What do you think you were doing?” He growled.

I scoffed, “I saved you!” 

“You have no business being in here, Sigrun!” Hvitserk said, approaching me.

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