Chapter Five: Season Four

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Chapter five: Season four

It was the Goddess Freya. Goddess of love and fertility. Every Viking woman has prayed to her for a healthy pregnancy and birth. The Goddess Freya has appeared to me in the flesh. It was a privilege for her to address me as the Queen of the Valkyries. At first, it was just a childhood nickname that has become my life and my title.

Freya helped me out of the ditch and wrapped me in a warm blanket and made a roaring fire for the both of us. Fear and uncertainty has subsided and I became at ease in her presence. The Goddess was truly beautiful. She had golden light skin that matched her golden hair. Dark eyes that I could not place the exact eye color against the darkness. She wore a beautiful, simple gold crown that complemented her hair. She wore a white gown with gold armour and she held her right hand with her spear. Occasionally little cats would roam around her feet, purring and stroking their heads against her legs.

"Why have you come to me?" I asked her.

"I can see you are very troubled, in need of a little love yourself," her eyes glittering against the fire.

"I'm loved!" I protested.

"When was the last time someone looked at you and even asked if you were ok?" "Ah! What heavy burdens you carry with you!"

"Are you ok?" She said, narrowing her head to me.

I took a deep sigh and looked at the fire. My entire life I have been taking care of others and never myself. It is a sudden realization for me and I then realized- no- no one has ever asked me if I was ok. Tears wilted in my eyes as a hole was punched through my chest. I was completely alone in this world. It wasn't an occasional feeling, it was the truth.

"Whatever you are thinking-" Freya said, gently, "Put it out of your mind, because it's not true!"

"Do not try to comfort me, it is the truth!" "I have no husband, no children to love deeply, and everyone here-" waving my hand towards the direction of Kattegat- "Has said they loved me and left me or wanted me for my body."

"The Gods love you!" Freya said. She placed her hand on my cheek and turned my head to face her,

"There is also another who sits in the Asir along with Ragnar..."

I squinted my eyes at her and searched for the answer in her eyes. Her right eye suddenly morphed and thinned out resulting in a snake eye. I pulled my head back and gasped, catching my breath quickly.

"Sigurd..." I murmured. She smiled graciously at me, her wide smile revealed high cheekbones and dimples.

"You are the first thing that comes to his mind when he wakes and the last words he utters before he sleeps," she was reassuring. I placed my hand over my chest and felt a slight fluttering. Sigrud's mischievous smile appeared in my eyesight as if I never forgot it. I shuttered, letting out a sigh. He is happy and safe in Valhalla, making me feel at peace.

"Yes!" She gasped, "there it is!" "That love!" "Use it, Sigrun!"

"I only loved once and it was Sigurd!" I said.

"You are far more capable of loving more than one way in this life!" She said, "Hvitserk is alone right now, and he needs you!"

"I know it's hard to love him, but he's confused, lost..." she pulled away when she realized that I understood fully and it was partially my fault for confusing Hvitserk and leading him to believe I loved him.

Freya pushed some hair behind my cheek, "Ah! I knew the right amount of beauty when Odinn created you!"

"Yeah, but did you have to make my face break out in those awful red bumps?" I sneered. Freya broke out laughing, and then stopped and looked at me sweetly.

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