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One Year Later

January 19
11:15 am

Go to college, they say. Go graduate college so you can quit foot locker and get a great paying job with good benefits, they say. But what they fail to realize or inform you about is that it's not really that easy

It's been a year... a WHOLE year and after countless job interviews, rejections and me being told I either needed MORE work experience or education, I still have yet to secure that good job with benefits they speak so highly of.

Footlocker was starting to become depressing and after 6 months of graduating the student loans started rolling in so I needed a solution asap. After looking into things that interested me event planning came to mind; so to do a test run Lea let me try with king's birthday. Because of its success I decided to start my own event planning with my money saved up along with the help of my family, boyfriend and my best friend that cashed out a really big check from her lawsuit

Currently I have been up all morning making chocolate covered pretzels, Rice Krispies and Oreos along with personalized water bottles, candy bars and chip bags for a little girl's birthday party Saturday. I would've figured with the amount of hours I've been up would have me exhausted but I wasn't. I was actually enjoying this little time of peace and quiet

I could hear Trin's room door open and eventually she came down the hall rubbing her eye while holding Melody, her and Darius' now 3 month old daughter. I guess Dre was right about her getting pregnant again soon because around April was when she found out and thankfully she got her girl and had her on October 1st. She and Darius aren't together still but they are at the same time.... I don't understand it but I guess what works for them

Trin carried melody in her right arm. Her hair was all over the place and she wore a pair of pajama shorts with a tank top and her teddy bear slides. You could see it in Trin's gave that she was exhausted. The life of a mother... more than enough birth control for me

"Hey aunties little light bright babyyyy" I smiled looking at her as they walked over to the table where I was

"I'm still convinced they gave me the wrong baby at the hospital cause this one right here don't act right"

I sucked my teeth as I laughed

"Girl bye. That girl is her daddy's twin already"

"Well knowing how fertile her daddy is, she might be his but that don't mean she mine"

"Bye trin"

"This girl woke up as soon as Darius left last night and wanted to stay up till 5 in the morning and stare at each other. Like sis, take that ass to sleep"

"Leave my girl alone"

"I wish she would leave me alone and sleep. Look at her now" trin said as she tried to take Melody's hand out of her hair and melody smiled

"I'm surprised Darius ain stay the night again"

"All that snoring he be doing when he sleep, I'm glad he ain stay"

"Let that man snore. All them kids whooping his ass"

"That's his fault. He had all them kids"

"Well at least he take care of all of em"

"You right... but I don't see how he do it. I'm only three months into this mother thing and a bitch is TIRED!"

"Well they say it's harder on mothers than fathers. You dealing with a lot physically and mentally" I reminded trin as I worked on the last water bottle "but you know you got a support system behind you"

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