Sixty Four:

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February 27
4:20 pm

While I sat on the floor folding up Gigi's freshly washed clothes, gio laid on the floor beside me on his tummy time mat, scratching at it while running his mouth

"What you talking about?" I asked him, sitting a folder tshirt on the pile with the rest of her folder shirts

Gio continued to make his noise before casually rolling over in his back and I smiled, stopping what I was doing

"Did you just roll over for mommy?"

He started smiling showing that gummy ass smile and reached down for his foot, talking again

"So you just gone pretend like that didn't happen?"

I picked him up and put him back on his stomach and he wasted no time rolling on his back again

"Look at you stink. You getting so big on mommy. You gotta slow down and let me enjoy you being a baby" I told him as I stopped what I as doing, laying in the floor beside him and kissed on his cheek

Gio turned his face tryina kiss me back, getting all his drool on my nose and I laughed, wiping it

"Listen son son"

The door opened and Gigi slipped her way in with a bag of what looked like chips and candy in her hands. Following behind her was Dre carrying her bookbag

"I see y'all stopped by the store. What did the princess say this time to convince you to stop"

"I say daddy can I please go to the store. And he say yeah" Gigi answered while pulling a pack of recess out of her bag, handing it to Dre

I sat up, shaking my head at him. He opened the candy and passed it back to her before she skipped off to her room

"Dre, guess who's rolling over now" I smiled

He sat Gigi's bookbag down and sat on the chair "he better slow his ass down"

"I know right. Next thing you know he'll be crawling, then walking and talking. He's gonna need us own room soon"

"Shit. We been was supposed to move a year ago and never did"

"Because other things ended up happening" I pointed at gio and Dre chuckled "we were more focused on making sure we were straight for a new baby so we couldn't think about that"

"Well he here now. So we can start looking if you ready"

"Well we can look. But we can't do too much until after we get back from our trip next week. And if we gonna discuss moving, we also need to discuss this" I held up my ring finger

"You don't even know what you wanna do about that"

"I mean.. I obviously wanna get married but.. ion know about having a ceremony.. do you wanna have one?"

Dre just laughed, giving a look and I knew that look meant no

"See... we don't need that then. Making everybody bored for no reason"

"They long as hell"

I looked at gio "son son.. you have THOSE parents"

"Ain nothing wrong with us"

"Of course we believe that. But other people probably say otherwise"

"Other people won't say shit to my face"

"Anyways.. back to what we were talking about. Nave we can do something private with just us and then celebrate with everybody else later"

"If that's what by wanna do"

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