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January 27
4:55 pm

I ended up staying the night at Dre's house last night and following up with Gianna, we stayed up all last night watching Disney princess movies and I had to turn around and wake up early so I could go set up this venue for a surprise birthday party someone was having for their grandmother's birthday and of course Gigi wanted to come with me so how could I say no

"You name is?...."

"Gigi" she answered while playing with her doll, sitting on the ground with me while I continued to blow the balloons

The venue was almost done and it was looking great. I didn't have much left to do but I was hurrying as fast as I could because they were starting at 7:30

"No, that's your nickname. What's your real name"

"Ummm, Gianna" she answered so politely

"And how old are you?"

She held up three fingers

"How many is that"


"And your birthday is?"

"I don't know" she shrugged

I let out a laugh

"December 3rd"

"That's not my birthday"

"Well who's birthday is it?"


"Your daddy's birthday is not in December" I told her which caused her to crack up

I finished the last couple of balloons before scattering them across the floor and got Gigi to help which she had fun doing

"Gigi we gotta find something to eat for dinner"

"Daddy can cook"

"Ouuu you think daddy should cook? Let's see if he'll cook" I said while I went and grabbed my phone off of one of the tables. I unlocked my phone and FaceTimed Dre

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" Gigi cheered and danced around as the phone started to connect. Once it did Dre appeared and he was sitting on the chair holding melody

"You at my house?"

"No. I'm at home"

"Mels chillin with me today Lil Dre" Darius told me, popping up in the camera

"Trin must be with you"

"Nah. She getting her nails done. That's why I got this one too" he quickly picked king up and put him back down and he ran off laughing

"Awe, you might as well go get the other 4 and have a sibling play date"

"Better take all them damn kids to his house. Don't bring yo army in my shit and have them fuck up my stuff" Dre told Darius and he sucked his teeth

"As bad as Gigi is you can't talk about nobody kids"

"My baby ain bad"

"Who ain bad?"

"Okay Darius not too much on that one" I defended Gianna

"We ain worried bout his ass... wassup? What y'all doing now cause y'all been gone all day" Dre asked

"I'm finishing up right now then we'll be on the way back to the house. But I was calling to let you know that me and Gigi hungry"

"Oh word, so you cookin tonight?"

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