Seventy Nine:

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March 27
12:27 pm

"Thank you ladies for coming today" I spoke to both me and Dre's mom, trin, Autumn, Emoni, Lea and Kenya.

"Snacks, drinks and a cute little setup... what is this?" Autumn asked while trin already poured herself a glass of the wine

"The real question is how did she get out of going to school?" Emoni asked, pointing over at Gigi who laid in the couch under her blanket watching the Loud House and Melody and Noah sat with her

"She said she wasn't feeling good" I told them with a laugh before looking over at her "tell your aunt what you said was wrong Gigi"

She took her eyes off of the tv and over to us, pointing at her left eye

"My eyes. It keep closing"

Emoni sucked her teeth while both of our mommas laughed

"Must be nice. I had to almost be on my deathbed to stay home from school and she here cause she sleepy"

"You so dramatic. Stop that lying" her momma told her and emoni crossed her arms

"You know I'm not. And when I stayed home you was always on one. Let me laugh or do anything other than lay there you ready to say something. If yOu cAn lAugH tHeN yOu cAnt bE tOo sIck"

"And I meant what I said"

"Well I really did give Gigi the benefit of doubt because somebody had the whole house up last night screaming his head off"

"What y'all did to my nephew?" Trin frowned

"He teething"

"Awe" Lea frowned. "Poor Gio. I can just imagine the pain he's in"

"That child is on his crib sleeping peacefully. Try and imagine the pain I'm in. I'm so tired that it hurts"

"Why you called us over here then instead of sleeping in"

"Because! Me and my man have 11 months to plan the wedding of my.. well our dreams so we need to get started. I'm not putting this off no longer"

My momma smiled "wait Forreal?"

"Yes Forreal. This is not a drill. It's really real and to make sure y'all understand the vision, we did a vision board"

I went and grabbed the vision board, holding it up

"Wait cause you did that! That vision board looks so good" Kenya complimented

"Them colors real pretty" emoni added

"Thank y'all. Dre actually organized it like this"

"Dre?" Emoni rose her eyebrow "my brother Dre?"

"Yes your brother Dre"

"What you tryina say about my baby, emoni?" Her momma asked and she shook her head

"Nothing. Let me hush cause y'all know she don't play about her favorite child"

"I do not have favorites.. and this ain about me right now."

"Well for the next 11 months dre is gonna have to be her favorite cause between her and my momma. I know they'll make sure everything stays on track because I WILL be marrying my man in February. If this weeding gets messed up somehow we just skipping town, going to Vegas and eloping"

"That's what you wanted to do anyways" I could hear trin say and I agreed

"You right. But my man said I'm worth more than that."

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