Fifty Nine:

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February 1
3:20 pm

"A nigga really walkin around with two kids" I mumbled while I grabbed gio out of his car seat and headed inside to get Gigi outta school

I really ain wanted to bring him out but I had to get him from up under Ana and let her catch a break cause for the last few days she been worrying me. She barely get out of the bed, I gotta force her to eat and I knew shit was really wrong when I woke her up this morning for her hair appointment and she told me she canceled it. So I had to damn near kidnap my own son out the house and made her take a bath or something to relax for a change

"Hopefully yo sister already ready cause ion need people breathing near you twin. Yo momma ain bout to whoop my ass if you end up sick" I told gio as we headed to Gigi's class.

I walked up to the open door where the teacher was speaking to another parent while she walked off with her son and then smiled at me

"Gianna had another amazing day today. She such a sweetheart. One of the other kids fell while they were playing and she helped her up and wiped her eyes"

I smiled, looking over at where she was sitting.

Gigi patiently sat on the rug in one of the squares looking at some of the other kids run around yelling.

"Gianna" the teacher called out to her and she looked over at the door, started to get up when she saw me and then her eyes lit up when she saw I was holding gio

"Gionni!" She excitedly yelled, hurrying over to us dragging her lil book bag behind her. She looked at her teacher and pointed at gio "it's my baby Gionni"

"I see him. He's such a cute baby"

"You ready to go princess Gigi?" I asked her and she nodded, grabbing my free hand

"Can we eat pizza daddy?" Gigi asked as we left the school and got back to my car. I put gio in his car seat and helped Gigi in

"I'll order you some pizza. But we gotta run an errand first"


"Cause.. we got a problem"

"Oh no. What's wrong daddy?"

"We gotta find a way to cheer mommy up cause she sad"

"Who made mommy cry?"

"Nobody. She just a lil sad but we gotta cheer her up. What you wanna do for her?"

She tapped her chin like she was thinking

"Go to the store"

"And get what?"

"I not know yet" she shrugged and I laughed

"That means you bout to spend a whole lot of money"

"You so funny daddy" she smiled, looking out the window as I drove off

We headed to the store and when we got inside Gigi just told me what to get

"And mommy like gummy bears" Gigi said while she eyed a pack of gummy bears, knowing damn well she wanted them

"Mommy like em or Gigi like em?"

"Ummmm... mommy AND me like them"

"We'll go ahead and get both of y'all some"

"Yesss" she danced while grabbing two packs and put them in the cart

"Daddy, is Gionni sleeping?"

I lifted up the blanket that covered his car seat and saw he was still up, sucking on his pacifier

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