Fifty Six:

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January 8
5:06 pm

"You know what.." my momma started as she continued to straight my hair for me "I just knew that when y'all got old enough I wouldn't have to do y'all hair nomore but here I am straightening my 25 year old's hair"

"Well for one I'm still 24 until midnight. And two, you should've already known you wasn't gonna ever be done. That mother title is for life. That's like saying you thought you wouldn't have to take care of us nomore after we turned 18. Just accept it ma"

"I am. And you better hush cause ms ma'am you got two kids and before you know it you'll be the one doing their hair while their newborn sits in front of them just like this"

I looked down at gio while he chilled in his swing in front of us and shook my head

"Don't say that cause I'm not ready for none of that. They already growing up too fast. Especially Gigi. It feel like yesterday when she was only one and I had just met her and now she's so grown. And going to school"

"Speaking of.. what time is it?"

I looked at my phone "5 o'clock"

" I know I asked Dre to pick Zoe and Layton up from school for me while he went to get Gigi but it shouldn't have taken them this long"

Laughing a little, I crossed my legs "momma. DRE went to pick up GIANNA,LAYTON AND ZOÈ. You already know they stopping by a store or two. Them three Ain nothing but manipulative and Dre is a softie"

She let out a chuckle "Dre is not a softie"

"Yes he is. I can call him right now and tell him to go get me a meal from Ruth Chris and he'll probably go get it"

"No.. YOU, you just spoiled as hell. Always have been and always will be. Cause your daddy allowed it and Dre condones it"

"I can't help it the men in my life love me"

"Somebody need to tell you no for a change. I used to always get into it with your daddy about you because he swore you could do no wrong. And knowing how you were when you were younger I can just imagine the hell you out Dre through"

"I was not that bad"

"Behavior wise no. But I remember when your daddy was eating something you wanted, you'd just sit up under him until he eventually gave you the rest of his food. And he'd tell us he was leaving to go to the store. Autumn and aubrielle always gave him his peace but you, before he got to leave out the door you'd put on whatever clothes you could find, mismatched shoes and run to beat him to the door and he'd ask where you going and you loved to say 'I thought you said WE were going to the store.' And everytime he would change your clothes into something that matched and take you with him. I'm telling you. You were spoiled"

"Oh my gosh" I looked off to the side "Why everytime you describe daddy he sounds like Dre"

"Well usually they say females end up with men that remind them of their fathers"

"Well yeah that COULD be true.. but then look at who Autumn was attracted to for 10 years.. Destin wasn't nothing like daddy. And all the guys Aubrielle chased behind wasn't no better. Except Zoè's daddy. I'll say Justin is a good one"

"I'll never have the answers to why they chose who they ended up with because Autumn don't need to think about destin no more. Let that asshole be. And Aubrielle dead so if she start talking I need to be worried"

I laughed as the door opened and of course Gigi walked in first with her book bag, a McDonald's cup and a kids meal box

"Hi" she politely spoke before going over to gio, kneeling beside him "I missed you Gionni"

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