Twenty Nine:

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June 7
2:22 pm

"This ring is giving mamiiii" Lea smiled while she finished up doing my nails, now doing the designs on them and I smiled

"And is. I know everybody probably sick of me cause one thing ima do is show my ring off"

"As you should. Girl you are engaged! That's something you should most definitely show off and if anybody has a problem with that then they're most definitely hating" she bluntly told me while keeping her focus on my nails "cause if it was me I'd be showing it off too. That's huge Analise"

I couldn't help but laugh a little. I loved Lea's accent so much, especially when she said my name

"I just- I don't know. It's like everything is finally coming together. Me and Dre are in a great place, he's doing his thing with his tattoos, I got my own business, Gigi's happy, we got our son, I got my ring"

"I know Dre's happy he got a boy"

"He is. He already went and brought so many outfits. Shit, the baby probably already got more clothes than me cause with all the stuff Dre brought along with all of my online carts that should be in today. Plus everybody else been spoiling him too"

"I should've known you out of all people would go shopping as soon as possible"

"Girl at the end of the gender reveal I went ahead and checked out all of my carts I had saved on different websites. I'm telling you, I BEEN waiting"

"I wish I was that ready when I was pregnant with king. I didn't really start buying anything until after he was born. Well I let Darius do it. I waited until he was born to even know what he was"

"You went the whole 9 months not wanting to know?"

Lea shook her head

"Apart of me still didn't believe I was pregnant. Even with the big belly and everything. The minute he came out and the doctor said it's a boy, I cried like a baby. Everything really hit me then"

"I know that moment was so beautiful"

"It was.. but then again it wasn't. I had Darius there and his mom. Emoni and Dre were up there nonstop because that was before Dre had Gigi and Tania, Darius other babymomma, she was there for me too but even though they showed me so much love and support I just wish my family was there"

"Yeah. I know that probably hurt that they weren't there"

"I did. And it's crazy how I finally came to terms with the fact that my family really cut me off, just for them to reach out to me"

I rose both of my eyebrows "really?"

"Yeah. My little sister, she's 17 now, she found me on Instagram and messaged me about a couple of weeks ago and we've been communicating almost everyday"

"That's good right?"

"Yeah. We finally spoke on FaceTime the other night after your gender reveal and neither one of us could stop crying" Lea laughed "I haven't seen my sister in 7 years and she's so grown and beautiful now"

"I just know that was a beautiful moment"

"It was. And I let king meet her. Of course he's just like his dad so at first he saw a pretty girl and started getting fresh. I had to hurry up and tell him that was his Aunt"

"I could just imagine what he said after that"

"Girl. At first he was like, that's not emoni. So I had to explain that I have a sister. But he ended up talking to her for a while before he had to go to bed and me and her spoke for a couple of hours"

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