Fourty Nine:

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December 23
12:42 pm

"His next time eating should be around 1:30. He likes this green pacifier but I put the blue one in his bag just in case and when he go to sleep keep him away from Gigi. She think he supposed to sit up and watch her all day and night" I explained to my momma as she grabbed gio from me, probably letting the stuff I tell her go in one ear and out the other

"Analise, I raised three kids and 5 grands. I think I know what I'm doing" she simply replied, keeping her eyes on gio and Dre laughed a little, sitting the bags down

"I know" I nodded "but.."

"But what?"

"You never had this one before..."

Dre burst out into laughter but I wasn't tryina be funny

"I got my grandson. Go enjoy your childfree night" she tried to push me off

"She did emoni worse than this so don't feel bad" Dre said to my momma and I looked around the living room

"Where did Gigi go?"

"In the room with Brooklyn. She ain't thinking about you so go ahead and leave"

"But she didn't tell me bye"

"Ana" Dre continued laughing

"She's having fun Analise"

"Fine.. well just remember, no sweets after 8"

"Okay momma bear. Are you done now?"

"No... send me a picture of them later"

"Ana, they only here for the night. You'll see them in the morning"

"But I still want a picture"

"You ain even gone think about that picture later on" Dre grabbed my hand "come on before you start crying"

"I'm not gonna cry"

"Tell mommy and daddy bye bye" my momma said as she waved Gio's little hand while Dre opened the door

"I'll be back first thing in the morning. Don't get too comfortable with my babies"

"Whatever Analise. Y'all have fun. And remember this one is only 2 months old"

"I'm on birth control this time"

"Yeah okay"

I followed Dre out of the door and closed it behind me before following him to his car and we got in

As Dre started the car and connected his phone to the Bluetooth I called Lea, who's been MIA for a while cause she was busy doing nails

"If she don't answer the phone ima go pull up and beat her ass" I told Dre and as soon as I said that, she answered "LEAAA! My beautiful Colombian friend. I was just talkin shit about you"

"Why?" She laughed

"Cause I thought you wasn't gonna answer"

"My bad. I just got back from dropping king off to Darius' mom and took Yasmine to the airport"

"Where she going?"

"To spend Christmas with our parents. I had to talk her into going because she was gonna stay here but I know she probably misses them a little"

"You didn't wanna go?"

"They still hate me. I'm good"

"Well we love you" I told her in an assuring tone "so. Being that you dropped him off that means yo coming to the house tonight?"

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