Thirty Six:

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Same Day
9:09 am

"Nope. No baby yet but he'll be here real soon. Last time the doctor came she was 8 1/2 centimeters" my momma explained over the phone to autumn, who had to work

"I want this baby out of me!" I groaned, slowly pacing back and forth in the room with Dre's help

Of course I had to be the one to turn down the epidural so I was still feeling EVERYTHING and even though this pain was hell, walking made it a little better but a bitch was so exhausted

"You need to sit down and chill out for a lil bit"

"No I don't cause it's gonna hurt even worse. What I need is some food"

"You know you can't eat right now"

Again, I groaned and looked down at my stomach "you need to hurry the hell up. Please"

"Cursing yo unborn child out and then saying please..." Dre muttered and I stopped walking

"Brutally assaulting my child's father and then apologizing right after..." I responded before I walked over to the bed, feeling another big contractions so I gripped onto the side of the bed tight as possible "Oh my God. Deandre I swear you owe me for this"

"Tell me what you want and I got you"

"Forreal?" I looked at him and I could hear my momma laugh with the phone to her ear still, yet looking over at me and Dre

"I bet that stopped them contractions huh?" She said to me before resuming her conversation with autumn

"Y'all gone leave me alone. I'm currently passing a human through my body"

"You still ain tell me what you want" Dre said as he rubbed my back

"I want some steak and fried rice from that Japanese place down the road. With extra yum yum sauce.. and I want some glazed doughnuts, preferably hot.. oh and I seen this cute coach baggg" I dragged out as another contraction quickly came. Once it went away I continued talking "I screenshot it and saved it in my camera roll. I want that"

Dre laughed, rubbing my back and I continued to hold onto the bed, moving from side to side as I continued to breathe

"On the bright side, at least you got yo hair done in time"

"That's probably what his stubborn ass was waiting on. Probably was in there with his arms crossed like momma I'm not coming out until you actually look like somebody"

"At least he ain wanted you out here lookin a fool"

There was a knock on the door and it opened. My doctor walked in with a smile on her face when really there wasn't shit to smile about right now.

"How are we doing in here?"

"Respectfully.. don't ask" I shook my head as she laughed which really irritated me.

Dre helped me get back in the bed while she prepped and dressed her hands in gloves. Once we were both ready she checked my cervix

"Please let this baby be ready" I whispered to myself as she stood up with a smile, taking the gloves off

"Well congratulations momma. The baby is in position and you are fully dilated. Let's go ahead and get you ready so you can be holding your baby boy VERY soon"

I threw my head back, letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank You God!"

10:24 am

"Come on Analise he's almost here" this lady was trying so hard to encourage me but fuck her

I was BEYOND exhausted and this pain was unbearable. I just wanted to give up right now but he was sooo close so all I could do was cry

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