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November 21
9:10 am

By the time I got home last night everybody was sleep so I wasn't gone bother Ana until this morning. But I did talk to her sister to see what was wrong with her and she ended up telling me.

After I dropped Gigi off at daycare I came back home and saw she was up, but laying on the bed sideways while gio laid beside her as she fed him

She looked over at me and saw how I was looking at her so she laughed, shaking her head

"Please don't start"

"You know ima start"

"Darius didn't go to jail did he?" She asked, tryina change the subject

"No. But we ain bout to talk about that"

I sat on the side of the bed "I asked Autumn what was wrong and you know she told me"

Ana rolled her eyes while looking the other way and eventually I saw her wipe her eyes

"Everything is good. Gigi is happy, why?"

"She ain getting her back so don't even stress about that"

"I just don't have time for no drama Dre. And I hate that this may sound wrong and selfish but Gigi's my baby. She's mine! What she want with her now all of a sudden. It's been 2 years"

She took the bottle out of gios mouth and was about to pick him up to burp him but I just reached and grabbed him instead

"Wassup son son"

Ana passed me a burp cloth and I threw it over my shoulder before I started to burp him

"Aysia just talkin. Gianna ain going nowhere and we both know that. I promise you"

"You can't promise me that cause we never know... just promise me that if she really do try to get her, that you'll do everything you can to make sure she can't"

"I promise. Now wipe yo face and stop crying"

She wiped her eyes again while sitting up

"I love you"

"I love you too. Now smile cause you too cute for all of that"

She started smiling and Gio eventually let out a burp

"Good Job mommy's big boy" Ana said while she used the cloth to clean his mouth while my phone rung "you look just like yo daddy and his people"

"Speaking of.." I muttered while looking at my phone and saw it was keem calling so I answered "Wassup"

"Come open the door"

"Ight" I responded before hanging up and stood up, going to get the door. When I opened it both emoni and keem stood there

"Look at auntie's handsome man!" Emoni smiled and I looked at that big ass jacket she wore

"Why you got that big ass jacket on?"

"The same reason why you nor Darius called me last night to tell me Kira let a nigga put their hands on my nephew"

"Cause You'on need to be fighting"

"Too late" keem laughed while emoni walked in the house and he followed behind



"You fought that girl?"

"And did" she boasted while going down the hall and I could hear her go in the bathroom

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