Seventy Eight:

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March 25
2:23 pm

"Although the progress may not a lot, it is good enough for us to know that he is doing good. And after this surgery he has scheduled for later we should see big changes in the next few days and hopefully he'll wake up" Marcus doctor told me

I nodded "Ight. Thank you"

"No problem. And if you have any questions or anything, feel free to ask" he also added before leaving the room

I sighed sitting back in the chair looking at Marcus. My boy was down bad right now but he better than he was when he first got here. He got hit in the arm, shoulder, torso and chest, went through 3 surgeries so far with one more to go. 

While Gigi was at school and Ana stayed at the house doing whatever with Gio, I came up here to check on my boy. Marcus family ain been fuckin with him for a while now. Because he was the only one of his siblings and really getting money, he was the one doing all the handouts while they just sat on their ass and blew his money so eventually he got sick of it and started saying no which caused them to fall out with him and even his parents took his siblings side over his, saying he was selfish, so we was his family and we was gonna make sure he was straight. Especially after all the shit he did for me.

I looked at him laid in the bed and laughed a little bit, sitting back in the chair

"Ain no way you let Water boy catch you slippin' man" I shook my head, referring to June cause that all he was when he used to hang around us. 

The nigga wasn't shit but the do-boy that Darius would occasionally slapped upside the head just because

"Ima need for you to wake up and get better so you can get outta here. You know damn well niggas don't fuck with hospitals" I looked around the room.

It was cold as shit, the only noises was from the machines and the people outside the room and I wasn't about to turn on the tv cause it ain shit to watch but them old people shows my grandma used to watch when we was younger. 

My phone started ringing from a FaceTime and when I saw that it was Ana, I answered it. When the phone connected she popped up in the camera laying down and I could hear Gio making noise in the back


"Wassup babymomma. What yall doing?"

"Your son just woke up from a nap and I was tryin-" she was cut off by something hitting her right in the face. I realized it was Gio's bottle and Ana looked at him "Im about to fight a 5 month old

"He ain even did it on purpose. It just slipped out his hand"

"Dont make excuses for him... How is Marcus doing? Did he wake up yet?"

"Nah. He got one more surgery later on today though"

"Oh okay" she replied while picking up the bottle and sat it to the side "I need him to wake up and get better so I can talk my shit cause don't nobody else let me talk my shit in peace"

"And do that stop you from talkin' shit?"

"No but I would like to do it without any backtalk"

I laughed "You ain shit"

"And thats been established and besides, you can't talk TWIN... but I was just checking to see how Marcus doing?"

"Damn.. If you don't wanna look at my face just say that"

"You so sensitive Deandre" Ana giggled "You know I love looking at your face. I love looking at it so much I made an exact replica of it" 

She turned the camera on Gio. He had one of his toys in his mouth while he looked past the phone, probably at the tv. She then took the camera off of him and put it back on her

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