Thirty Eight:

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October 19
11:38 am

"Look at you" trin smiled at Gio while she held him, sitting on the bed beside me as I multitasked between pumping milk and trying to fit these other box of shoes in this gift bag and melody was asleep in between us

"Ima have to make sure melody know how to fight cause she gone have to beat some ass about her cousin. Between the eyes and the dimple"

"Girl! Her and Gigi better beat on these kids forreal cause if not, ima do it. Ion mind fighting kids about my son"

I pushed both gift bags over to the side and sat back against the pillows on the bed, sighing

"I do not enjoy this"


"Pumping milk. It's so draining and painful. And I feel like a cow"

"Well it obviously look like you doing a good job producing a lot of it" trin said as she looked at the storage bottle it was filling

"That's the only good thing"

"Better than me though. Cause I tried it once and then tried to get melody to latch. After that I said whatever and went to formula"

"Well ima try to thug it out cause I really don't wanna buy that stuff" I told her and looked at the gift bags

Today was my man's birthday and I know he missed his appointment to get his hair cut last week because he was busy tending to me so I told him to just go ahead today after he dropped Gianna off at school and I'd be good with Gio until he gets back because my man deserves to look extra fine for his birthday

"After this Dre ain getting shit else from me until I finish doing up for this lambo"

"You so serious about that damn Lamborghini"

I nodded "ima get my man his car. Even if I gotta go strip"

"Okay Aysia"

I sucked my teeth and she laughed. Thankfully I was done pumping so I cleaned up and went to take the newly pumped milk to the fridge to store.  Once I did that I went back to the room and sat down again

"Lea supposed to come over here this weekend since she didn't get to come see him yet"

"Her stupid ass clients keep her booked and busy. I'm happy for her though. But damn"

"Yeah she was feeling bad cause she didn't get to hold him yet but I told her don't. Make that money and come when she free. He'll be right here chillin"

"With his perfect self. I know Dre on cloud 9"

I smiled "he is. Him and Gigi"

"Her and her brother GIONNI" trin laughed

"Girl I'm not even about to argue with her about what she named her brother"

"Cause we both know who's winning that argument"

"Okay!... and speaking of arguments, you spoke to Diamond yet"

"No. I been so busy with melody this month that I'm not worried about shit else. Just like Kira. You know she canceled baby Darius' birthday party cause it was supposed to be the weekend after Melody's"


"Darius was paying for it until he found out that she didn't wanna allow melody, king and Callie there cause she now don't like like me and she already didn't like Lea or Diamond. So Darius said he's not paying for a party all of his kids can't attend and that he could just do his own thing and let kids do hers. Kira didn't like that and she canceled the thing in whole"

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