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March 3
2:15 pm

Gigi was asleep like usual and Dre was busy on the phone entertaining his stupid ass, lonely ass, no girlfriend having ass, gossiping ass, I'll do anything that you say cause you the one with the most money ass, again STUPID ass homeboys so here I was, bored

I cleaned, I cooked.. only for me and Gigi when she wakes up though cause fuck Dre right now. His homeboys better feed his ass since they got his attention. I cleaned again and now I don't have shit else to do

"That bitch think I forgot he owe me money. I know them taxes kicked in so he bout to bring me my shit or ima go get it myself" I heard Dre say on the phone as I walked into his room seeing him laid back on the bed talking with his phone to his ear and held my phone, scrolling through it

I guess whoever he was on the phone with said something funny.. which probably wasn't even really funny.. and Dre laughed which I found even more annoying

I let out a dramatic ass sigh, dragging it out as I walked over to the bed and laid across it, laying my head on Dre's lap and he looked down at me

"What I do now?" He asked and I guess whoever he was on the phone with asked about me and he responded "yeah you already know that's her dramatic ass"

"Tell whoever you on the phone with to mind their damn business"

"Marcus said whatchu gotta be rude for?"

"Cause fuck him. And tell him to go find a girlfriend or something. Shit! Why he on the phone witchu" I rudely said and Dre laughed, sitting my phone down and started caressing my head which would've been cute but right now it's still fuck him. Yet it still felt good so I closed my eyes

"Marcus gotta whole fiancée"

"Since when?" I opened one of my eyes "and why he ain ever with her?"

"Cause she be at work"

"Well tell him to go to work with her"

He shook his head and I turned on my stomach with my face all in his lap. I just laid there quiet for a second before lifting my head up

"What would you do if I just pull out yo-" I was starting to ask but he quickly cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth laughing

"Chilllll... aye, ima talk to you later" he told Marcus before hanging up the phone and sat it down beside mine

"Oh that's how I could get you off the phone?"

"No cause you ain got no damn filter"

"And neither do you"

"Nah you worse than me"

"I disagree. But since you off the phone now, can I have your attention"

"Of course Analise"

I smiled sitting up straight then climbed on his lap, straddling it

"Whatchu wanna talk about?"

"Well first of all I wanna talk about how I think Gigi shouldn't start daycare on Monday"

Dre instantly laughed "Ana she starting. Ain no changing that"

"Whyyyy?" I whined and he started rubbing on my upper arms

"I already said it before Gigi need kids her age to be with. And yeah I know y'all OnLy 21 years apart but still"

I frowned up my face and he kissed me like that was gonna make me feel better

"I told you I'll give you a baby if you want one"

"And I've told you NO! Cause then I gotta get pregnant and pregnancy is boring cause you can't drink and I like to drink"

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