Fifty One:

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December 29
1:25 pm

"Girl Gigi opened every single toy she got Christmas morning and seeing that mess she made... I understand 1000% why momma would tell us to only open a couple at a time" I told Autumn as we walked through target.

Gigi wanted to be up under Dre today so I left them at the house while he did somebody's tattoo and I brought gio with me and autumn

"Let her be great. This was really her last Christmas having Christmas all to herself because next year Gio's gonna be walking, playing, all in the way"

"Don't remind me of that.. I don't need him growing up faster than he already is"

Autumn lifted up the blanket that covered Gio's car seat which was in the cart and he was asleep with his pacifier hanging out his mouth with his mouth open a little

"This boy sleep just like his daddy and sister"

"He look just like both of em too. That's how I know who got on your nerves the most while you was pregnant cause he is his daddy's twin"

"I don't see it. I think he look like me"

"Girl bye that's all Dre. He most definitely put in all the work making him"

"If the day he was conceived is the day I'm thinking then yeah. Dre most definitely did" I smiled making Autumn shake her head

"And that's wild. Y'all have sex so much that you don't even know what day you got pregnant"

"Shit, I didn't know people remembered that type of thing"

"I know a lot of people that remember theirs"

"Does that makes me a bad mom?"

"Girl, hell no" she laughed "it just makes you a sex addict"

"Well I can live with that" I shrugged

"You know what. I hope Dre get this Lamborghini you keep promising him cause I don't know how he deal with you"

"He don't have a choice. He a whole baby and ring deep. From this point he gotta kill himself to get away from me"

"And knowing yo dickmatized ass, you probably gone have his body in a deep freezer"

"I just might. I need to see if they got deep freezers in here. One big enough to store a body"

Just as I said that an older woman walked past looking at me funny and autumn laughed

"Girl you know you can't be saying no shit like that in public"

"So. She should've minded her business" I told her while I looked at this cute boys shirt "this is cute! I'm so ready for gio to get old enough so I can have my baby fresh as hell"

"You gone have my nephew in nothing but polo"

"Of course... I'm about to get Braxton one of these cause these cute" I grabbed the shirt in his size and put it in the cart "even though I need to beat his ass for telling Gigi I pooped gio outta my butthole"

Autumn looked at me laughing "what?"

"Girl yeah. She told me he told her that and she been questioning me ever since about where gio came from"

Autumn shrugged "outta your butthole I guess... and it's crazy that I'm not even surprised he said some shit like that. Braxton been saying a lot of wild shit lately"

"He probably still lowkey grieving his sorry ass daddy"

"I know he is. He came to me the other night venting. I think he just upset that his daddy didn't try to fix their relationship after the last incident so he stuck on wanting to hate him but he feel like it's wrong"

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