Thirty Three:

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September 20
3:10 pm

"So when she got back to the house all she said was that he didn't even come out of the house. He just let them leave and that was that" I told Dre while I folded up some of the freshly washed and dried baby clothes as he was busy setting up the crib

"She should've told me to go pick 'em up"

"I asked her do she want me to call you and she said no. I can't stand destin messy, broke ass" I ranted "OH! And GIRL!"

Dre cut his eyes over at me, looking at me some type of way because I called him girl, which I soon realized and I laughed

"My bad. I'm used to gossiping with trin"

He shook his head and I went back to talking "but anyways. After putting two and two together, I think destin was who Darius babymommas were fighting over"

"How you come to that conclusion?"

"Autumn was talking to me about it. She mentioned around Valentine's Day, them sharing a babydaddy... and I used my common sense and.. yeah"

Dre chuckled, screwing a nail into the crib "damn. Already goin out sad fighting over a nigga when already share a babydaddy. But fighting over a broke one?"

"I won't fight over no nigga period. That's why I hated when people always said I fought over you.. I love you with all my heart but respectfully, fuck you. I fought over my damn respect. Now if she ever started arguing with me about you I might've trolled her with my comebacks but fighting? No. And I wish ANYBODY would say something now, ima just show off my ring"

Dre smiled and I sat the last folded onesie on top of the pile then took my time getting off the bed, holding onto the bottom of my stomach

"This thing is so heavy"

"What thing?"

"This baby"

He sucked his teeth

"Im forreal, you try walking around with an active bowling ball inside your belly, kicking, turning... pressing on you bladder, pushing up against your lungs so you can't breathe. I understand what trin meant when she said pregnancy is ghetto"

"Ion know why you following trin up and she probably gone be pregnant again in about a year or two"

"I don't doubt it. Your brother can't go too long without procreating"

"Aye, you bout to chill on my brother"

"And you gone chill on my best friend" I told Dre and he laughed.

I left the room and went down the hall, going to the kitchen. At this point walking normal was not possible at all so I had to waddle which was not as cute as it looks to everybody else

"Boyyy momma need you to hurry up" I rubbed my stomach as I opened the fridge, looking inside "I know your daddy tired of me eating everything up"

While looking in the fridge I didn't really see anything that I wanted.

"I'm bout to just order a pizza" I sighed, heading back to the room to get my phone but somebody knocked on the door causing me to stop

I went over to the door and opened it seeing trin holding melody so I smiled

"Hey auntie's pretty girl"

"Girl, tell me why I've been dumped for somebody else" trin said as she walked in the house and I rose my eyebrow

"Um, excuse me?"

Trin pointed in the direction of the door and I could hear two people laughing. Soon Darius walked in laughing and talking to some guy that look EXACTLY like him and Dre. So much alike that it was almost scary. I looked at trin then at them again and Darius smiled at me

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