Four: (short)

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Days later

January 25
1:14 pm

"This lady really lost her damn mind. She lucky I'm tryina be professional" I ranted while sitting my phone down on the chair while trin sat beside me and melody laid on her back in between us on her personalized blanket. She laid so relaxed and chilled while trin gave her a little baby massage, something she learned from YouTube

"What happened?"

"This lady mad mad cause I told her she gone need a bigger budget. She tryina have her daughter this big ass party with all kinda balloons. Balloons all over the floor, a big ass display wall, balloon arches in the entrance of the building, customized everything and only tryina pay $200 for all of that"

"If that lady don't go to hell" trin laughed

"I told her that her budget was not gonna be able to cover everything she want and she started cursing my ass out. I wanted to say some shit to her so bad"

"Let me curse her ass out for you"

"I should've. But I'm not gone do that. Mels they got your auntie fucked up girl" I looked down at her "look at her just chillin"

"I'm over here massaging her, shit I need a massage"

"Me too. Ima tell Dre he need to come rub me down"

"I'm surprised you not over there at his house"

I looked at trin "and I'm surprised you not at Darius house"

We both stared at each other

"Hmmmm. Touché"

I let out a humorous sigh "who would've thought we would've ended up with brothers"

"I ain lying.. who would've fuckin thought. And now look. You over there all in love when you used to say fuck love and I'm over here with one of these" she pointed at melody

"Aht don't do my niece like that"

"Ima do your niece any kind of way cause ain nobody tell her to come so soon. She could've waited for another two years"

"No she came right on time. She said since her momma and daddy wanna act out she was gone show yall"

"She showed me right too. I ain touch not a piece of dick since she came too"

"Not a piece?"

"Nope. Not a single piece. Not a tip, not a shaft, not a ball. Nothing"

"Oh she got you traumatized"

"Hell yeah. Pushing her out was the most painful shit in the world. And I know I probably hurt Darius feelings while I was in labor cause I was just saying all kind of shit"

"But then again he probably used to it. The man been in the labor and delivery room six times"

"I ain lying. And I told him he better find somebody else to have any more kids with cause this ain happening again"

"Yeah whatever"

"I'm serious. Matter of fact Mels got enough brothers and sisters. Darius need to get that thing cut off"

"That man would probably die before he do that"

"Well he need to do something cause trin is done with the babies"

She stopped rubbing melody's stomach and she opened her eyes, fully alert and kinda grabbed Trin's hand

"Oop. Okay then chile. Spoiled as hell already"

She started rubbing melody's stomach again and I got up, going to the kitchen

"What you wanna eat for dinner? I wanna cook tonight"

"Ion know. What you gotta taste for?"

I looked back at her "that's why I asked you"

"How you wanna cook but don't know what you want?"

"You suck trin" I went to grab my phone then went back in the kitchen, leaning on the counter while texting

"You must be texting dre to see what he want"

"And is. Go ahead and ask your baby daddy too cause I already know his ass coming over here later"

"How you know that?" She asked as somebody knocked on the door and based on how they were knocking, we both know it was Darius. Trin rolled her eyes and I laughed while going to get it.

As I opened the door I smiled

"Whatchu smiling for lil dre?"

"Say it with me... ANALISE!"

"That's too much to say lil dre" he tapped my shoulder and walked past me, coming into the apartment

"You get on my damn nerves"

Darius went straight over to the chair and grabbed melody

"Daddy's girl. Wassup babygirllll"

"You can finish her massage then" trin told him while he sat down

"Darius, you eating over here tonight?" I asked him while going back to the kitchen seeing Dre had called me while I was opening the door for Darius

"Whatchu cooking?" Darius asked and I shrugged

"Ion know"

"She wanna cook but she don't know what she want" trin informed him and he looked back at me some type of way

"How you wanna cook but not know what you want?"

"You ain no help either. Fuck both of y'all"

Darius laughed as he focused on melody again "you look just like yo damn brother"

"Which one?" I asked, looking down at my phone as I called Dre back and I felt him looking back at me

"Oh you got jokes lil dre"

"It's all love" I replied seeing that Dre answered the FaceTime call

"Who the hell got yo attention that you can't answer my calls?" Dre asked, sounding like he was walking somewhere

"Your brother was at the door"

"Fuck that nigga"

"Nigga fuck you" Darius responded making Dre laugh

"Ain even bout to follow up that nigga. Come open the door"

"I'm coming daddy" I smiled before hanging up the phone and went to the door. By the time the door was open Dre was walking up to the door and he carried Gianna who was asleep

"Why you let her go to sleep before she got here"

"Shit, she needed to go to sleep" Dre told me was he walked in the house. I closed the door and headed back into the kitchen

"You can lay her on my bed"

He took her down the hall to my room and once he came back, he came into the kitchen where I was and walked up behind me kissing my cheek

"What you wanna eat? I feel like cooking"

"What you gotta taste for?"

"She don't know. She just wanna cook" trin told him and he wrapped his arm around me

"Being complicated" Darius added

"I'm sick of y'all ganging up on my baby" Dre defended me

"That's why they ain eating shit"

"Based on the way you can't make up yo mind, sound like you ain eating either" Darius said

"Go to hell. I'm ordering me some food" I waved Darius off before walking off down the hall, going to my room

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