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Same day
6:55 pm

"Mann I swear when we get back home don't nobody ask me to go do shit. All this damn walking. My legs need a break" Dre complained

After coming back from the park both Gigi and king wasted no time going to sleep, Darius was in the other room sounding like he was on the phone and me and Dre sat in the living room with trin and melody, who kept turning over on her back everytime trin laid her on her stomach as they sat on the floor on a blanket

" okay little turtle. Next time you roll on ya back you staying there" trin said to melody, putting her back in her stomach and I laughed, rubbing Dre's shoulders as he sat between my legs

"Leave my niece alone Trinity"

"Your niece need to stop rolling like she can get off of her back. Tryina be grown. Her daddy need to hurry up off the phone"

"Who he talkin to?" Dre asked

"He was talking to dj at first, seeing how his trip going cause you know tania took him to Disney world"

"Oh so he out here?" Dre asked and I sighed

"Deandre. Disney LAND.. is here in California. Disney WORLD is in Florida"

He shrugged "same damn thing"

"Well" trin started talking again as melody rolled on her back again, smiling so trin rubbed on her little stomach "Diamond ended up blowing up his phone. Then Kira started blowing up his phone so after he got off of the phone with dj he called Diamond back and got drug in the middle of a bunch of bullshit"

"Not the babymommas beefin?"

"I already told y'all that Diamond's Valentine's Day was ruined so she came and got Callie. Well KIRA was the reason it was ruined"

"Oh shit" Dre smiled a little

"They been talking to the same dude for the past few months. So Diamond was chillin with him the night before and brought in Valentine's Day with him and I guess Diamond wasn't supposed to stay long cause then it was supposed to be Kira's turn. Diamond ended up leaving but came back later to surprise him I guess and caught Kira over there and that's not even the messiest part"

"If it's messier than that, I wanna hear it" I leaned all the way forward on Dre, hugging my arms around him while both of our nosey asses were interested in this conversation

"Kira's pregnant" she just bluntly dropped the bomb on us and Dre made the nastiest face

"Hold on. Kira is the one that got like two other kids other than the one with Darius" I asked and Dre nodded

"And she got pregnant by Darius right after she had a baby like a month before that"

"Yuppp. And now she begging Darius to help her pay for an abortion cause she don't want the baby"

"So she want my brother in law to cover the cost of an abortion for a child that's not his?.. I can't believe I used to be jealous of you cause I swore Darius had it made with his babymommas"

"Darius babymommas just ain psychotic. They messy and ghetto. The only ones that's decent is Tania and Lea" Dre explained and trin agreed with him

"But my thing is.. why you having unprotected sex if you don't wanna deal with the consequences that come along with.. or can't afford to deal with them"

"They be too lazy to find a job and gotta depend on the same daddies they talk shit about. That girl probably ain even pregnant forreal. She probably just need money and that's a lie she came up with for sympathy"

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