Fourty One:

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November 26
1:34 pm

I was supposed to meet Aysia today at 1:30 but of course I was running late, not as bad as I usually am but just a couple of minutes.

Honestly I know know what's gonna happen with me and her talking face to face but right now, my concern was Gianna

"I am walking in right now" I told Dre like he didn't have my location.

"Ight. You want me to stay on the phone witchu?"

"No I'm good. But I'll call you if I need you"

"Ight Ana"

"Ill talk to you later. I love you"

"I love you too"

I hung up the phone and walked into Starbucks instantly spotting Aysia sitting in the far corner looking at her phone. I sighed and made my way over to her and as I got closer she eventually looked up

I pulled out the chair across from her and took a seat, exchanging eye contact with her before I started talking

"Before we even start talking ima just go ahead and say that I didn't come here to fight, argue or none of that"

"Me either" she responded

"Well listen. I'm not tryina make this conversation longer than it has to be so ima just go ahead and ask. Why? How come all of a sudden you wanna be back in her life after two years?"

"I miss my daughter. And I feel like I missed out on so much of her life. And I don't wanna miss out nomore"

"Well Aysia, nobody stopped you from being there but you. Dre didn't just take Gigi and he wasn't ever trying to but you chose to dump her stuff in front of the house and go on with life like she didn't exist" I bluntly told her

"I knew I was wrong for that and I regret that I ever did that. But when you're constantly told your daughter is better off with her daddy or how bad of a mother you are... what else was I supposed to do?"

"I honestly doubt it was more of you being a bad mother. But you used Gianna as a pawn Aysia. And you know that. And you would use her to get whatever you wanted out of Dre and when it didn't work in your favor you took her from him which wasn't right. And the people that saw that didn't agree. He wanted to coparent and for y'all to just be cool for the sake of y'all daughter but YOU couldn't let go of the dreams of y'all being a family when that ship sailed BEFORE I even came into the picture"

Aysia rested her arms on the table "well can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead"

"I'm not saying this in a disrespectful way but, you seem so upset about me wanting her back. Why?"

I laughed a little "Because.. I spent the past two years taking care of her, Washing her, feeding her, playing dolls, doing her hair in different styles that she find on YouTube or Tik Tok, playing dress up or having a tea party, taking her with me wherever I go because if I don't then she'll cry and waking up in the middle of the nights when she can't sleep or if she's sick. I'm there and I've been there faithfully"

Aysia just looked at me while I continued to talk

"And one thing I am about Gianna is very protective over Gigi. Right now she's the happiest, most respectful and beautiful little girl and it took some time to get there because she had to adjust, no matter how young she may have been. You leaving was a big change that affected her"

"That's fair. But I also feel like if I know I wanna be apart of my daughters life again, why wait any longer"

"But my question to that is for how long? Because Gigi is at a vulnerable age and I don't want her to get hurt because you decided that you don't wanna be a mother again. Cause when you go I'll have to be there to fix the broken pieces that you left behind"

"I'm not leaving her again. And I'm not tryina just take her. Even if it's just two days, I just want my child. And this was why I was gonna just go through the courts about getting her because I didn't want it to come off as ima take her back and y'all will never see her again. No"

"But instead you went to social media first. I think it would've been better if you just came to Dre instead of you putting that on social media"

"I was wrong for that. I admit. But I was called out and my personal business was put on blast so I had to defend myself" Aysia pointed at herself

"So are you trying to genuinely Gianna or did you just say that to save face?"

"I told you I want her"

I know I was pressing Aysia pretty hard right now but I didn't honestly care. It's not about me or her, it's about Gigi

"Listen" Aysia sighed "I don't want or need nothing from Dre, I'm not after him, I don't have no bad intentions with Gianna and no I'm not cool with Maggie nomore. I'm finally in a great space, I got my own condo, car, everything. I'm happy and I can now mentally, physically AND financially do my part for her"

"Well I'm glad you're in a better position. I'm just tryina look after Gigi"

"I get that and even though we never got along I thank you for genuinely looking out for her and loving her cause you didn't have to"

"Well no matter what she's an innocent child. I could never mistreat a child no matter how I feel about their parent"

"Well I'm past all of the beefing shit now. And I'm not saying let's be the best of friends or even be cool but I do want Gianna and if that's the case then we'll have to be cordial"

"Last time you recommend us being cordial what happened not too long afterwards?" I asked with a slight grin

"Well I'm serious now and things have changed. I stopped letting certain people get in my ear and I'm thinking for myself now"

"Well that's good. I hope everything work out for you Aysia. I really do"

When I said that she looked like she was shocked to hear me say that

"I'm not a hater. Even if we don't get along... but anyways, I guess I hope whatever happens works out in the best interest of Gianna"

"You right. And I hope it can just come to some kind of agreement because I really do wanna be in her life"

I nodded "well I guess from this point whatever happens, happens" I shrugged

I don't know if I got exactly what I wanted to know from Aysia, but I must admit that after talking to her a little and seeing she may have changed for the better helped me feel a little more comforting about the whole situation so I guess we'll just see what happens from her on out

(Sorry this is short. I've been working doubles this week cause y'all girl got bills😭)

 I've been working doubles this week cause y'all girl got bills😭)

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