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March 9
3:32 pm

"Ridin with my twin and 'nem. And we all look good as fuck. She say she my Oop but I don't know her, had to look her up" I rapped cardi's part while dancing, following Dre into the house

We literally just arrived home from our trip and I was sooo ready to see my babies right now

Dre shook his head, not even looking back at me while he unlocked the door and I stood there dancing

"Ana get yo happy ass in the house" he eventually told me while he grabbed our bags and took them in the house

I happily danced my way into the house which he couldn't help but laugh at

"That nigga a munch and he gone eat me like a mango!"

"Ima let you have yo fun till them kids get here"

"I'm ready to see my babiessss. Why you ain lit"

"You got enough energy for the both of us"

"Cause I feel good" I jokingly tried to moonwalk and tripped over my own damn feet causing me to fall. The minute I hit the ground Dre started laughing but eventually helped me up

"Chill out witcho hyper ass"

"I hit the ground hard as hell just now"

"I know you did. I heard it. You good?" He asked while grabbing my hand and pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me

"I'm good now" I smiled, hugging Dre's neck and kissed him as the door opened

"Y'all ain had enough of fuckin yet?" Keem asked, carrying Gio's car seat while he closed the door behind him

"My babyyyyy" I backed away from Dre and made my way over to my son. I grabbed the car seat from keem and put it on the ground grabbing gio out of it

The minute he saw my face my baby started smiling so big and kicked his legs

"Hey mommy's big boy! I missed you sooooo much"

"Y'all caught me at the right time when Ana called and said meet y'all over here cause we was bout to run these streets"

"You better not have had my baby in the streets" I told keem while I kissed Gio's cheek and laid his head on me. Meanwhile he grabbed at my necklace

"Me and gio had fun this week"

"What y'all did?"

"That's between us. We can't tell you about our fun" he told me before looking around "Gigi not here yet?"

"No. Autumn probably gonna take forever. And I called y'all as soon as we walked out of the airport"

"I heard you just now talking shit" autumn said as she walked into the house, holding Gigi who was asleep "and why y'all got that door unlocked"

"We just got here" I answered while she laid Gigi on the couch and I poked out my bottom lip "she look so tired"

"She is. All they did everyday after school was play, eat, play some more, barely slept and did it again the next day. And yesterday they played outside all day long until it started getting real late and they stayed up all night with momma watching Disney movies"

"I'm glad she had fun"

"She really did. Her and Brooklyn together is something funny to watch" she told me before changing the subject as Dre grabbed gio from me "noooo. Bitch! Did you hear about Aysia?"

"I could care less to hear anything about that girl. She can go to hell for all I care"

"Shit, she probably there" keem chuckled and I rose my eyebrow

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