Twenty Five:

21K 1.1K 1.1K

"We don't talk about Bruno no no no. We don't talk about brunoooo"

Okay. Now that I got that out lol....

This book has hit 100k already!
And the first book is 4K views away from 900K!
WE almost at 1 Million and I'm so hyped😂🤍
Thank y'all so much💕

Many weeks later

[obviously I'm not gonna go month but month of her pregnancy because that would unnecessarily lengthen the book. Therefore I will be speeding her pregnancy up every now and then]

May 13
1:10 pm

Lately gender reveal parties have been what I've been getting booked for the most and I've been doing so many of them that I'm honestly not even interested in having my own, however trin of course wasn't gonna let that slide

The gender reveal we did today was for somebody I've done two birthday parties for before so she invited me and trin to stay and at first I declined, but ended up staying. Plus the food was good as hell and of course my pregnant ass needed a plate or two.. or three

"Mannn these sausages so damn good" I told trin while chewing, steady stuffing my face

"They gotta be the way you fuckin em up" she laughed and placed her hand on my now very noticeable baby bump.

I was now 17 almost 18 weeks along and this baby was already seeking attention. Poking out like this when it could've waited until I was like 8 or 9 months to pop out

"I need to text my man and tell him to have me something to eat when I get home" I picked up my phone hearing trin suck her teeth

"You so damn greedy"

"No lie, I am. And that's probably why I feel fat as hell, except for this baby" I responded while texting Dre


You home?


The baby wants smothered pork chops 🙂

Yea Ight

I'll make sure "the baby" straight


I'll bring you a piece of cake

My selfless queen. Don't know how I would live without you

You make me sickkk! Sarcastic ass


"But did you tell him the baby ain his since you got so much to say about my life?" I randomly heard somebody fuss which caught my attention and made me look up from my phone

Apparently I wasn't the only one that heard it because everybody got quiet and was now looking in the direction of a girl who I think was a cousin, and the mother who the gender reveal was for

The mother looked around, clearly embarrassed

"So now we making up lies?"

"Who lying Shae? Oh cause now you put on blast after coming for me and my baby daddies, you wanna play dumb. You always posting how you in love but you fucked 5 or 6 other niggas this year already while you in this happy relationship and you DONT know who to baby daddy is" the cousin blasted

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