Twenty One:

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Okay this is sooo random but I love hearing Gordon Ramsey call people a "fucking doughnut"😭

Days later

March 18
11:53 am

"You almost ready?" Dre asked as he walked into the bathroom, walking up behind me in the mirror. Today was the day of Kierra's wedding and of course I was running late. Gigi was already there getting ready with the rest of the wedding party so me and Dre really didn't have to rush too much, besides, this morning was already going crazy anyways

"Yeah. I just gotta put my earrings on"

I picked the hoops up, my hands shaking a little and I guess he noticed

"You good?"

"Yeah. I just got a lot going on this morning"

He picked up my earrings for me and helped me put them on "Ima need for you to calm down and take a breath or something cause ion like that shaking. What you thinking bout?"

"Nothing" I shook my head

"It gotta be something Ana"

"I promise you, I'm good. I just need something to eat"

"Why you ain just say that? Whatchu wanna eat?"

"I don't know. I'll probably eat something out of the fridge"

"Ill see if I can find you some"

"Awe you so generous" I smiled as he looked at me through the mirror, kissing my cheek before walking out of the bathroom.

Once he left the bathroom I closed and locked the door, went under the sink to grab the plastic bag I stuffed in there and sat down on the closed toilet. I opened the bag and pulled the pregnancy tests out knowing that by now the time up to check them.


They both read the same thing and I instantly felt sick to my stomach.

My period was too late for me which made me realize that it didn't come on in February either, prompting me to take the tests and even though I felt like this was gonna be the result, I still couldn't imagine it

"What the fuck" I cursed, putting my head in my hands then looked at the tests again making sure I read them right

"Oh my God"

I couldn't stop staring at the tests. PREGNANT. How? When? What the fuck?

"This can't be right" I shook the tests thinking maybe that would do something but it didn't. I was still pregnant

"No... no"

I put the tests back in the bag, tied it up as good as I could and tossed it in the trash before going to the mirror again, this time looking at my stomach in the dress I wore

I didn't look pregnant. I didn't feel pregnant. Besides my increased appetite, exhaustion and slight mood swings I was perfectly normal.

Man there was no way I could really be pregnant.

I went back over to the trash bin, pulled the bag back out, ripped it open and looked at the tests again

"Noooo" I shook my head, looking at them then at the mirror repeatedly. "What the fu- how? How did you even get in there?"

The test read big bold letters saying pregnant but for some reason I kept staring at it, just thinking that MAYBE the test would be childish and play a joke on me and Not Pregnant would eventually show up on the tiny screen. However it wasn't changing no matter how hard I looked at it

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