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Days Later

February 28
9:20 am

"Well I haven't seen you in some weeks. How was your trip to Disney?" My momma asked while she sat at the table as I went through her fridge and cabinets looking for something to eat

"It was actually a lot of fun" I answered her while grabbing a bag of chips and then a sprite out of the fridge before sitting at the table with her "and my bad momma. I been meaning to come over here but stuff was just getting so crazy"

"Analise don't apologize to me for having a life" she laughed a little while I opened my chips and soda "and speaking of.. how is your event planning going?"

"Busy! I've been on the go doing stuff since we came back from California"

She rose her eyebrow "I thought Disney was in Florida?"

"Disney world is Florida. Disney land is California. Come on ma, you sounding like Dre right now"

"Listen I'm getting old. I have an excuse.. and how is my boy anyways? Tell him I miss him"

"Dre's good. He get on my nerves but he's good"

"Oh don't do him like that. I'm pretty sure you get on his nerves too"

"But that's my job"

"Well it seems like y'all been doing a lot more than getting on each other's nerves cause you glowing"

"I am?" I touched my face and she nodded

"He obviously got you extremely happy... or you got something you wanna tell me?" She rose her eyebrow

Realizing what she was hinting at I scoffed

"Uh no! No Ma'am!"

"I'm just making sure"

"I can ASSURE you! I am NOT pregnant. Can't nobody take me outta these streets but God"

"Mhhhkay then Ms can't nobody take you outta these streets. I'm ready to see you the moment you get humbled and when you do, my only two prayers are that it has Deandre's eyes and also that IT is a girl"

"Eww no. You sound like Dre with that girl talk"

"He wants another girl?"

I nodded "I don't know why"

"Some men enjoy being a girl dad. I guess he love it. Your dad enjoyed it"

"I'm pretty sure he wanted a boy"

"No, I was the one that wanted the boy. I was actually told that you were a boy at first and when they corrected your gender, telling me you were a girl I cried like a baby. Meanwhile you would've thought he hit the lottery"

"Well thank you for making me feel good about myself"

"You're a big girl, you'll get over it. But like I was saying, he was so happy he took me and a shopping spree to make me feel better. My mood changed fast too"

"And Dre wonders where I get it from" I laughed " and you know what's crazy, I always used to wonder when I was younger if I'd have a relationship like you and daddy did before he died"

"A relationship like me and your daddy?"

"Yeah. Y'all seemed so perfect to me"

She nodded, looking at me "seemed. We had our issue like every normal couple though so I wouldn't say perfect. But through all the tough times, love conquered all" she then let out a sigh "I miss your dad so much"

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