Fourty Five:

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10:33 am

Again, for the second day in a row I overslept and even though I was enjoying this much needed break, I was ready for my babies to get back home today. But they also weren't the only ones who needed to come back home because when I woke up Dre wasn't in the bed with me

"Deandre" I called his name as I walked into the living room, surprised to see trin on the chair sitting under a blanket with melody sleep on her lap and her phone to her ear. And by the look on her face something was wrong

"Okay. Just let me know" she told whoever she was on the phone with before hanging up and then looked at me

"Hey. Whatchu doing here? Where Dre and Darius?"

"At the police station"

When she said that I made a confused face

"The police station? What happened?"

She sighed "um.. Destin, you know what happened with him and Darius?"

I nodded while she continued to talk and I had a strong feeling where this was going

"Well destin and some boy came to the house last night ready to kill Darius and Darius came back quicker"

"Oh shit Trin"

Trin nodded and my mouth dropped open and for some reason my heart kinda stopped for a second

"Somebody called the police and now Darius is there until they see that it was self defense I guess"

"Nobody got camera footage?"

"Yeah they got the camera footage. Darius just put cameras up a while ago"

"This is wild as fuck"

"My damn head hurts" she put her head in her hands and somebody knocked on the door.

I got up to get it and once I opened the door seeing it was emoni with Gigi and Gio, I smiled hard as hell

"My babies!!! I missed y'all so much"

"I miss you too mommy" Gigi said as she hugged my legs with her tablet in her hand before going into the house and went straight down the hall to her room I'm guessing

"Ima tell you this.." emoni said as she carried Gio's car seat into the house while I closed the door "I could watch these two together anytime. Both of em just slept most of the time"

"So you mostly just watched them sleep?" I asked while laughing

"Watch? Girl I got my blanket and joined them. We had a group napping session going on"

She sat the car seat down on the chair and I wasted no time going over to it, grabbing my son out of it and he was wide awake smiling

"Momma's baby boy! Hey Giovonni"

"Dre must be with Darius?" Emoni asked and trin nodded "that was your sister baby daddy ain it?"

"Unfortunately yeah" I answered "ima have to talk to her ASAP"

" you better hope she don't know already. That shit getting around already"

"Darius nosey ass neighbor" trin muttered

"A lot of people know Autumn because of destin. Somebody probably ready to tell her" I sighed while going to the room to grab my phone while still holding gio. As I walked in the room I saw Gigi laying on the bed scrolling on her tablet

"What you doing in here ma'am?"

"Im looking for daddy" she answered, keeping her eyes on the tablet

"Oh okay" I responded while grabbing the phone and left the room, unlocking it

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