Sixty Two:

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February 14
1:04 pm

"I'm so glad you let me try this on you. It looks sooo good"Kenya said to me as she styled my hair. I looked at it through the mirror smiling

"I'm in love with this"

"I knew you would be. That's why I wanted to try it on you before I put it on my booking site. Just don't come back to me in a couple of months showing me another ultrasound"

We both laughed

"You won't have to worry about seeing another ultrasound from me again, trust me. But just know I'm lit tonight"

"I bet you are. Y'all just better make sure them babies good and sleep. I'm pretty sure they don't wanna be traumatized in the middle of the night"

"Trust me ima make sure. And it ain shit to put gio in the room with his real momma cause she swear that's her baby"

"You better leave Gianna alone. You know that's her baby. You was just the surrogate"

"Well i pray she sleep good today at school so she can be ready to wake up all hours of the night then cause the surrogate gone be busy. If you know what I mean"

"I know EXACTLY what you mean" Kenya laughed as the door to the shop opened

Some girl walked in looking around

"You gotta appointment?" Kenya asked her and she nodded. I looked through the mirror seeing the girl staring at the both of us

"With somebody named Naomi. I'm like 20 minutes early"

"Oh well I guess you can sit and wait till she get here"

The girl went and sat down over in the waiting area still looking at us but I ignored it, pulling out my phone and went to my ig story, recording Kenya doing my hair through the mirror

"I just got my girl right yall" Kenya smiled, combing through the curls and the fluffed my hair a little "Dre getting her pregnant TONIGHT"

I gasped, laughing "why would you say thatttt"

I ended the video and we both were still laughing. She finished up my hair and once she was completely done I let her take some pictures and videos

"Of course I said this was free because I was only practicing tape-ins on you but you of course somebody don't listen" Kenya informed me and I laughed

"Dre sent you money"

"He don't listen"

"Deandre never listens. Him or his kids. Ion know what ima do with any of them"

"Well you can start with giving Gigi back to her real momma"the girl that was waiting said

Me and Kenya both looked at her

"Excuse me?"

"I'm just saying. You sitting here complaining about a child you took from their momma. You are Aysia's baby daddy's other babymomma right?"

"And let me guess you one of Aysia stans?" Kenya said as she crossed her arms

"Ion know what the hell you think you supposed to be doing like Aysia guard dog or something. And she better be paying you good as hell to be playing with yo life like this cause you DONT know me. You don't know shit other than whatever she telling y'all so make sure you know some shit before you try to tell me what to do about MY child again. And I wasn't complaining, dumb bitch" I simply told her while checking Dre's location and saw that he was on time to pick me up

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