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(Sorry I disappeared you guys😭 I actually had a cast on my hand so I couldn't type but I am BACK and I'm good)

Thank you for being patient with me🫶🏾

December 24
10:00 am

"You look miserable" I told trin over FaceTime as I walked out of the bedroom, going down the hall

"Because bitch I am. I'm hungover from drinking last night and Darius got me up early this morning helping him put the blankets and shits on these beds for all these damn kids"

"How many bedrooms is that house?"


"So it's gonna be two kids to each room?"

"Yup! Dj and king, Landon and Baby Darius and then Callie and melody"

"Where's Darius?"

"In king and Dj's room. I told him let's separate and it'll go by faster but I only did half of a bed"

"Only half?" I laughed, going to sit at the table

"Yeah. He gone beat my ass cause the kids supposed to be coming soon but my body is just soooo tired right now"

"Ima tell my brother in law on you"

"Speaking of, where Dre? It's quiet as hell and y'all ain spoke last night after they came back from doing whatever they went to do"

"I don't know. He probably left cause I'm home alone"

I got up and went to the window to see if his car was gone. Dre was still here but he was outside smoking

"What y'all beefin over?"

"I'm not beefin over shit. That's him with an unnecessary attitude. Acting like a bitch"

"Well all I know is y'all better get it together. Especially since today is Christmas Eve"

"Oh I'm not letting his attitude mess up my kids holidays. Life goes on"

"Period" trin agreed and I could hear Darius call her name in the back

"Oh hell. Let me hurry up forreal and get these beds finished before I have to hear his mouth. Ima call you back Ana"

"Okay. Talk to you later"

Trin hung up the phone and I sat mine down, going to the fridge to find me something to eat. Not pleased by any of the breakfast food, I just got some of the leftover wings from last night, warmed them up and grabbed the ranch before sitting at the table eating. I could hear a door close outside but it wasn't probably nobody but Dre

I honestly don't know what the hell was Dre's problem but for him to be this upset about yesterday was wild as hell. Apart of me wanted to say something to him but I don't know if I wanna sit here and argue on Christmas Eve, especially since Autumn was bringing the kids back later

Once I finished eating and went to wash the plate Dre walked into the house holding papers in his hand

I looked up, drying my hands off and watched him as he came into the kitchen

"You know what" I blurted out cause at this point, fuck it "how you call yourself wanting to marry me but you don't know how to communicate. With me outta all people. Cause you honestly can't be that mad about that boy from yesterday Deandre. And I'm sick of you catching unnecessary attitudes with me"

"Whoever said I was mad at you?"

"You don't have to say it! It's all in ya attitude"

"Analise ion feel like arguing"

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