Twenty Eight:

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June 3
12:49 pm

Today was FINALLY the day of this stupid ass gender reveal and honestly I wasn't in the mood for it. I just wanna know what my baby is is go to bed

"Ana" Dre called my name as he walked into the room and sucked his teeth seeing me laying on the bed "put yo damn clothes on. We already late"

"Why can't they just FaceTime us. I don't feel like moving"

"Yo best friend took her time and planned this shit out. You going. Plus ion feel like hearing her damn mouth so get up"

Dre grabbed my hands and pulled me up causing me to groan

"Who started this stupid ass gender reveal thing anyways? Why can't people just be normal and find out at the doctors appointment. Just wanna have parties for every damn thing"

I could hear Dre laugh before he grabbed my face making me look at him

"You look beautiful, you got people that love you and want you to enjoy your pregnancy. Stop complaining"

"Can we stop and get a doughnut before we go?"

"What you need a doughnut for?"

"Why can't I get a doughnut?"

"You don't even know what you got at yo party"

"And you also don't know if she didn't get doughnuts and the baby wanna doughnut"

"You bout to stop blaming the baby cause you wanna doughnut"

"Deandre. I promise you if I don't get my doughnut I'm not going"

"Yes you is"

I looked at him with a straight face, closing my robe and laid back down on the bed



He sighed and I knew I was getting on his nerves

"You look tired anyways. Take you a nap"

"I'm tired of yo complicatedness" he bluntly said while pulling me back up by my arm "get yo ass up man"

"Complicatedness is not even a word"

"Bro. Get up"

"No doughnut, no gender reveal"

"You really wanna start today"

I shrugged while he ran his hand over his face before grabbing the dress trin brought for me last night then sat down beside me on the bed

"You got 5 minutes to get in this dress"

"For what Dre? I don't even care what the baby is anymore. We went this long without finding out. I just want doughnuts" I complained "if you wanna know what the baby is then go. I'll be there in your heart"

"Ion need to find out what the baby is. You do"

"Well damn. Why you say it like that?" I bawled up my face, looking at Dre and just by how he looked I could automatically tell that he already knew



"You know?"

"Know what?"

"KnOw WhAt? Nigga don't play dumb. You know what the baby is"

He hesitated for a second and opened his mouth to talk but I cut him off

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