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February 5th
3:39 pm

"Melody turns one in October. Don't you think it's time to start planning her birthday?" Lea asked me as she did my nails

"Already?" I asked "she still so young"

"Trust me, time goes by FAST. And plus I remember I already started planning kings birthday as soon as he was a month old. You don't just be randomly thinking about her birthday?"

"I try not to cause I hate that sis is getting old as hell"

"Oop. Don't play my girl trin" Lea laughed

"She is. Her and her daddy"

"So what are you?"

"In my head I'm still 21"

"I feel you on that one. I can't even argue"

"But ion know. I might just let Ana do whatever she want cause I don't do the party thing"

"You didn't have parties when you were little?"

I shook my head "Nope. Did you?"

Lea smiled, focusing on my nails "every year. My father used to go all out for my birthday. I remember he got an actual Ferris wheel for my 9th birthday and had it in the back yard"

"I know that house had to be big as hell for a Ferris wheel.. a FERRIS WHEEL LEA?"

She nodded "I mean it kinda was I guess. But not as big as the house we had when we were living back home in Colombia"

"I forget you were rich as hell. You had your own bathroom ain it?"


"Must've been nice. Meanwhile I bounced around from foster home to foster home. I never really started celebrating my birthday until I met Ana"

"Yeah Ana's real good for making sure you do something for your birthday"

"Hell yeah. But at the same time I appreciated it. And I remember it was my 21st birthday too. She got me my first birthday cake and it was embarrassing when I told her I never had a birthday cake before"


I shook my head

"Chileee I never even got a happy birthday before then. I was just like an extra in them peoples houses while I was being tossed around in the system and when I turned 18, I isolated myself, didn't wanna make friends. I was alway mean or angry so I spent those birthdays alone. Then I started dating this stupid ass boy and he never even acknowledged it. Went the whole day saying everything but happy birthday and when his birthday came I went all out like a dummy"

"Well I know Darius spoiled you last year"

"He did. He won't tell me what he got going on this year"

"What day is your birthday?"

"The 9th"

"Of what?"

"This month"

Lea looked up at me "bitch in 4 days"

I nodded

"Trinity I should kill you right now"

"What?" I laughed

"Forget Darius. We HAVE to celebrate. So tell Ana to stop breastfeeding Dre's crybaby ass and let's go out. I can do for a good night out and I'm pretty sure you can too"

"As long as I don't drink nomore brown liquor... I guess we can"

"It's no guess, we're going out"

"Uh oh, when we going out?" A female's voice said as somebody walked into the room. Me and Lea looked and saw that it was Diamond, Callie's momma

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