Seventy Three:

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March 20
3:13 am

Usually it was Gigi or gio that couldn't sleep through the night, however this time it was me and Dre up so here we were at 3 in the morning acting like big ass kids

"You sure you really wanna get yo ass beat?" I asked Dre while I put on my pair of the giant inflatable boxing gloves

He kissed his teeth, standing up and clapped the gloves he wore together

"See now I'm really bout to beat yo ass"

"We'll see"

"Get yo ass up so I can show you"

"Bet" I stood up once my gloves were on

As soon as Dre started to walk up to me I swung on him, hitting him right upside the head and he looked at me crazy

"What the hell?!"

"I thought you was ready"

I swung to hit him again but he blocked my hit

"We supposed to touch gloves first, violent ass"

"Oh. My bad"

Dre shook his head and we touched gloves. We both put our guard up, seeing who would swing first

"Don't act scary now"

"Who scary?" I asked before throwing a punch

After I threw a punch I guess we both said fuck boxing the real way and started just throwing hits back and forth

No lie, I was getting some good hits in but Dre was whooping my ass with these big ass gloves and I couldn't help but laugh. But he should've known I wasn't gonna let him keep beating me for long

"Ow! Wait, wait! Hold on" I dramatically said to Dre and he instantly switched up, looking concerned

"You good?" He asked, letting his guard down so I snuck a hit and laughed

"Yeah. I'm good now"

"See. Now ima really get yo ass now" he told me before picking me up and threw me on the chair

"No you not playing fair now!" I laughed

"Obviously it ain no rules"

"There are rules. And the rules state you can't pick your opponent up and slam them on the chair"

"I ain pick up my opponent though. I picked up my fake ass fiancée that wanted to cry wolf just so she can sneak a lick in"

I smiled "ouuu I like the way that sound"

"What? Me callin you my fake ass fiancé that wanted to cry wolf?"

"No asshole. Just the fiancée part"

"That's whatchu is.. ain it?" He asked while softly hitting me upside the head with the glove and I hit him back

"Duh. What else I'm gonna be?"

"I'm just askin cause shit. You making it seem like you knew some shit I ain know"

"Boy bye! You already know we getting married. We might not know when. But we gone do it one day"

"One day.... What about February 14th? Next year"

"Forreal? Why that far away?"

"Cause I been thinking. And when I marry you I wanna see you in that white dress, acting all soft and emotional in front of everybody so I can get a good laugh.."

I sucked my teeth, rolling my eyes at him

"Whatever Deandre"

"Nah, forreal though"

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