Thirty One:

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3 months later

September 16
1:34 pm

"Can we turn around now?" I asked autumn, out of breath and she laughed

"Ana Issa circle and we already walked over half of it so it'll be quicker to get back to the house by finishing walking the rest of it instead of going back in the other direction"

I sighed and rested my arm on somebody's mailbox as I caught my breath

"You wanna take a break real quick before we finish"

I nodded and she looked took the portable folding chair she brought with us on our walk, opened it and sat it down before helping me sit

"I'm so damn tired" I breathed, resting my hand on my very large stomach which sat on my lap

I was now 35 weeks and I was sooo ready to not be pregnant anymore. I swear I'm getting on birth control after this

"Ana you so adorable pregnant"

"Well I don't feel adorable. This boy need to hurry up and come"

"You got 5 more weeks mama" she rubbed my stomach "Aunties so ready to meet you already nephew. I know you about to be the cutest baby"

"Of course. He probably gonna look just like his daddy cause Dre been annoying me my whole pregnancy"

"Let him be great. I know he ready for his son to come"

"Girl hes more into the baby prepping than I am. After he dropped Gigi off for daycare yesterday we went ahead and got the crib up... well he did most of the work and I supervised"


I nodded "you know, gotta let him know he was doing good. Promised him I'll cook him something to eat"

"Did you cook?"

"I did surprisingly. I've been in a better mood this past of my pregnancy than I've been this entire time"

"Cause you know soon you'll be holding your baby boy. Getting all the clothes ready, setting everything up, it's exciting"

"Yeahhh. I'm ready for him to get outta here already. Preferably anytime before his due date"

"Why before?"

"Cause I already told Dre I don't want no Scorpio baby and his due date is literally the start"

"Analise" Autumn laughed

"I'm deadass. If he's born after the 22nd my baby daddy owe me"

"I feel bad for poor Dre"

"He'll be alright. Shit, I asked Dre what if he come on his birthday"

"Dre birthday in October too?"

"The 19th. It's so many birthdays in October. Melody is the first, Darius got two other kids along with melody in October, Dre's is the 19th and now our son"

"Everybody just need to stop having sex in January obviously"

I side eyed her "that's my birthday month. Trust and believe ima fuck SOMETHING ain January. I just know to not get pregnant anymore"

"Well....At least he might get his son as a birthday gift"

"Hopefully he do" I continued to rub my stomach, looking at some kids across the street throwing rocks at each other "them kids right there been bad as hell all they life"

"Girl they came to the house like 2 weeks ago and asked to play with Brooklyn so I let her go. Why my baby came back in the house not even 5 minutes later crying cause they tryina force her to eat dead bugs"

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