Sixty One:

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February 11
10:04 am

"So you down with meeting at 2 instead of 12?" Trin asked me over the phone while I laid in the bed, just waking up actually

Me, her and Lea were supposed to be meeting at the indoor playground with the kids so they can have a play date. I did invite Autumn to come but her man was taking her and the kids on a cruise for the week so they were on the way to Florida today so they can leave tomorrow

"Yeah that's fine with me. That's perfect actually"

"Mhmmm" Trin responded "you probably still in the bed up under Dre anyways"

"You wrong actually. I'm in the bed but I'm not up under Dre. He up under me"

"Okay Ana" trin laughed "well I'll see you later. And don't be late"

"Trinity am I ever late"

"You really wanna go there?"


"Should I even bring up your gender reveal?"

"BYE TRIN! I'll see you later"

She continued laughing "okay"

I hung up the phone and sat it down, rubbing my face

"I do not feel like getting up"

"Go back to sleep then" Dre muttered with his arm around me. I turned to face him

"I can't. I'm up now. And I gotta meet trin and Lea at 2"

"What time it is?"

"Like 10"

"Yeah you better start getting dressed now"

I kissed my teeth and he laughed, hugging onto me tight, almost smothering me

"You over here smothering me" I laughed, pushing Dre off of me and sat up looking at him. Dre grabbed his phone and checked it while he laid back

"You got on clothes?" I asked, lifting up the blanket and saw he had on shorts

"Yeah why?" He looked at me confused

"I had a dream last night"

"Oh hell" he sighed and I hit him

"Stoppp. I had a dream forreal. You was butt naked in it"


"I don't know. If I could ask my dream I would"

Dre smiled, looking up from his phone "having sex dreams"

"No. You was just naked"

"Yeahhh okay ana"

"I'm serious"

"If you horny just say that"

"I mean I have been. it's been like two weeks. I'm practically a virgin again"

Dre put his phone down cracking up and pulled me on top of him "well come on"

"As much as I would love to have all types of nasty sex with you this early in the morning, we have a whole infant in his crib who is due to wake up at any minute"

"He might have a good morning and stay sleep a lil longer" Dre told me in between kisses

"I wish... we practically have to schedule sex these days. And that'll only work IF the day goes according to the schedule"

Just as I said that Gio started crying and I made a face at Dre

"I told you. A mother knows" I sighed, moving off of him "and it's your turn so go get your son"

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