Thirty Four:

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October 1
2:01 pm

Banana splits from Dairy Queen for lunch? Absolutely! I needed ice cream bad so I convinced Dre to stop there before we headed to this indoor playground place where they were having melody's birthday today

Although eating ice cream satisfied me, I think it was a bad idea to give it to Gigi's wild ass. But luckily she's about to run that energy off when we get there

"It is officially October first. I'll be 38 weeks in two days which means that it's time to get ready to hand out an eviction notice cause this boy gotta come out. Preferably before the 23rd"

"I hope he decide to be childish and say in until midnight on the dot on the 23rd"

"And he'll stay right there in the hospital too"

"You'll stay in that hospital before he do"

"Damn it's like that?"

Dre nodded and I could hear Gigi singing her heart out to the music

"Ohhhh, yeah, yee, yee-hee" she sung along to muni long and I cracked up at how she was singing it because she was so accurate to how muni sung it

Dre looked back at her before focusing on the road again and she continued singing without a care in the world

"I wish I had a time machine"

"You ain allowed to stay with emoni nomore" Dre told her and she just smiled while licking ice cream off of her spoon

"Sing your heart out Gigi, don't let nobody stop you mama" I told her

Dre just shook his head and continued to drive and after a while we made it to the building

While I took my time getting my 80 months pregnant ass out of the car, Dre got Gigi out and grabbed all of the gifts we got for melody

"Mommy hold my hand so you don't fall" Gigi demanded as she stuck her hand out and Dre looked at me, holding all the gifts

"You heard"

"Listen, I tell YALL what to do" I pointed at the both of them while grabbing Gigi's hand

I followed her and Dre inside and my ears instantly filled with the sound of kids laughing and playing

"King!" Gigi yelled out, pointing to him in the distance playing on something

"Hold on, you gotta change out of your shoes" I told her as Trin approached us holding melody

Melody was all cute dressed in a little birthday dress with a colorful hair bow to match. The only thing I didn't like was the sour look on her face

"What's wrong with the birthday girl?"

"She been mad since her daddy left"

"Where he went?"

Trin scratched her head while Dre sat the gifts down and melody reached for him "I forgot to pick up the cake from the lady that made it"

"How the hell you forget the cake?" Dre asked, grabbing melody

"Listen" trin tried to explain "being a parent around birthday time is stressful. Everything wanna go wrong, the kid don't wanna act right, the daddy wanna act up and then press you like he ain ever did this before with this 13,000 other kids"

"Not too much on my brother"

"Ima stay on your brother ass. And then I had to convince Kira to let Baby Darius come"

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