Thirty Two:

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September 19
6:30 pm

Lately I've been finding myself at my momma's house more and more when Dre is out or busy doing tattoos. Since I came over here today I got them to help me take my hair down. I was gonna wear it out for a little bit before I get Kenya to probably do me some simple straight back braids or something easy to manage while I'm in labor and after the baby is born since I know I'll be too busy to be focus on my hair

I scrolled on my phone with my other hand resting on my stomach which poked out of the bottom of the tshirt I wore while my momma just finished drying my hair and was about to start straightening it

"All this hair you got. And it grew so long"

"It was already growing but this baby made it grow like crazy. My nails too"

"You at bra strap length right now. Wait until after I straighten it"

"It's so thick"

The door opened and autumn walked in with two boxes of pizza

"I swear you the goat" I smiled as she made her way over to me holding open one of the boxes and I grabbed a slice of the meat lovers pizza and instantly bit it while she went and sat the boxes down

"Momma told me you was over here and I knew you would catch an attitude if I came home empty handed"

"I'm glad you know. But I'm also still gonna curse you out cause where my nieces and nephew?"

"They with that daddy of theirs" my momma said unenthused, sectioning off some of my hair in the back and used heat protectant before she started straightening it

I frowned up my face "you let them go with him?"

"I asked them and they said they wanted to go so I can't say no. They old enough to make that decision and I know if something happen they'll let me know so I can shut shit down"

"He still with that girl?"

"Ion know. Last I heard they broke up and he was messing with two other girls and got caught up but that was at the beginning of the year. Around Valentine's Day I think"

I froze "you know the girls names?"

"No. I did hear they shared a nigga before though. I think they got the same baby daddy"

I smiled while chewing "that's so tragic"

"I told destin ion care what he got going on in his life, as long as he keep that drama away from my kids cause I WILL go to jail over them"

"How long they over there?"

"Until next Friday"

"Where Layton?"

My momma laughed "that girl practically live over there with Zoè. Them two are inseparable"

"Awe.. all of my babies getting older"

"They had to get out the way for this new one"

"They better stay where they at cause I'm not having another one after this"

"That's what I said after autumn" my momma laughed, focusing on my hair "then came aubrielle and then you"

"I said the same thing too after Braxton" Autumn agreed "now look at me three kids later"

"Well unlike y'all I know how to stop. Gigi and this baby are more than enough"

"I'm surprised she ain with you right now"

"Dre took her to his mommas house today. She over there till Sunday so we can finished getting everything straight for this baby"

"You mean so Dre can get everything straight?" My momma asked and I nodded

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