Accidents Happen

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*Okay, okay, today's the big day, no stress, no pressure y/n, definitely not recruitment day, you'll be fiiiiine* I thought to myself speed walking down the streets of NYC. I looked up at the shop signs to my right, scanning for the coffee shop.

*aHa! here we go* I thought as I saw the sign that read 'Peter Pan's donut and pastry shop'. I pushed open the glass door and pulled out my earphones. Luckily, there wasn't a queue, so I walked straight up to the counter.

"Hey Mj" I smiled looking at the girl behind the counter.

"Hey Y/n/n... Usual?" Mj asked already grabbing a take out cup.

"Yeah thanks" I nodded.

"No problem, one caramel latte coming right up" She replied turning round to the coffee machine.

"So, um Mj, how's MIT going" I asked trying to make conversation while I wait.

"It's great yeah, me, Peter and Ned have a lot of classes together which is good"

"That's great, is Flash still following you guys around?" I laughed.

"Yeah.. unfortunately, but not as much as before now which is good, he realised no one really cares if he knows Spider-Man, pretty sure that made him back off a bit" she laughed with me.

"Typical Flash"

"yeah.. hey are you gonna be coming back at all soon?" she asked me, her tone changing to be more serious. She placed my finished drink on the counter and slid it over to me.

"I dunno, I'm thinking about it, but I guess I'm just too focused on the Avengers right now" I replied, I grabbed the coffee and put the money for it on the surface to replace it.

"Alright, well we miss you, and good luck today Y/n okay" she smiled.

"I miss you guys to, and thanks Mj,, see ya later" I said, turning to the door.


I exited the coffee shop and turned right to head to the place where clint was supposed to pick me up. I pulled my phone back out to see a message from Clint, what a shocker. I swiped up and unlocked my phone and opened the message.

*Clint :): Y/n where the hell are you, your 10 mins late, get your ass here now!!*

I began to type back but only got half way until I walked into someone...great. My phone dropped to the floor and my coffee smashed into the person and spilled all over their purple sweater.

"Oh Shit! Omg I'm so sorry, um here l- let me clean that" I panicked, I pulled the sleeve down of my hoodie so it covered my hand. I started to try and clean the coffee off their sweater, that only made it worse. *Well done Y/n* I thought as I face palmed my forehead, then crouched down to pick up my coffee cup and my phone.

"It's okay, really. Don't worry i can just wash it its fine." They said as I did all of this.

i could feel their gaze on me. I looked up before standing up to see the literal cutest dog ever.

"aww your dog is so cute, what's it's name?" I asked giving the golden dog a pat.

"Oh um, Lucky" they said, as I began to stand back up, "but I like to call him Pizza Dog" The stranger laughed.

"Pizza Dog? That's different... I like it" I chuckled. I brought my attention away from the dog and to the stranger.

She was just smiling at me. Her hazel eyes staring into mine as if she were waiting for me to say something, although I didn't. She had dark brown, long hair that fell over her shoulders and her back. Wow she was so pretty. Her cheeks were blushing and her- her lips were pink and.. no stop why was I looking at her lips. I looked back into her eyes, which were still focused on mine.

"Hey um, i- um i got this th- I gotta go I'm late for work" She stuttered, looking at her feet then back up at me. "See you around?"

"uh, Yeah see you" i smiled.

She smiled and walked behind me, heading off in her direction. I turned around to look at her, "HEY SORRY ABOUT YOUR SWEATER" i called out to her as she walked.

She didn't turn around but she just called back, "DON'T SWEAT IT"

I see what she did there,  I chuckled to my self then looked back at my phone.

*Clint:) : Y/N?!*




"OH CRAP" I forgot about Clint.

I threw the empty cup in the trash beside me and sprinted off towards Clint. I sent a quick reply to justify myself. I was so late.

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