"I want you Kate, more than anything"

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Kate's POV

We turned the corner of the street after walking a few blocks. As y/n saw where I took her, I felt her squeeze my hand lightly with excitement, and she let out the cutest noise ever. I looked at my beautiful girlfriend as her face lit up with happiness.

"Supriiiiise!" I said softly, dragging out the I.

She brought her attention from the ice rink and looked at me, her y/e/c eyes glistened with a hint of something I couldn't quite place my finger on. Her gorgeous smile spread across her face. She jumped forwards and threw herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck as she hugged me tight. I wrapped my arms round her waist and pulled her closer to me so that our bodies were touching and spun her round in a circle before placing her back down on the floor. She took a step back, placing her hands gently on my arms as I kept hold of her waist.

"You're amazing Kate Bishop" she said in the sweetest voice. Her words made my heart smile and I melted at her gaze. My smile grew to match hers and before I could reply she grabbed my hand and began dragging me towards the Rockerfella ice rink.

I stumbled around nearly falling over when I stepped into the ice rink, luckily y/n caught me before I fell and held me up. To be honest, I've only ever been ice skating once and when I tell you I am the worst ice skater ever, I mean it!

Y/n took hold of my hand as I started to get the hang of standing on the blades. Once I was balanced, she tugged my hand to motion for us to start moving.

"Come on babe, I've got you I won't let you fall." She said as she began skating off slowly.

We started skating around the quiet rink. There was only a few people on it since it was the middle of the day and loads of people would usually be working, which worked out great for us. After a while of me trying to get used to the slippery ice, I managed to get the hang of it and we were now skating at a nice pace holding each other's hands.

This is something I could get used to...

We were about to turn the corner, when I started to lose my balance again and my foot slid from under me. I fumbled for a few seconds before I could feel myself falling.
"Y/NNN!!" I yelled as I crashed into the cold ice. Y/n stood above me still holding onto my hand, dying of laughter at my clumsiness.

"Oh shit....Kate..oh my god..." she managed to get out in between her laughs. I rolled my eyes and pulled on her hand, causing her to slip and fall on top of me.

"So much for not letting me fall" I said in a low voice, trying to hide my smile as I saw y/no's expression change quickly.

"Shut up" she smiled, laughing again as she placed a kiss on my forehead and stood back up. She held out her hands for me to grab and she helped me to my feet.

"hey why don't we get off the ice, I have another idea." I said holding her hand as I began skating towards the exit. She nodded her head in agreement and skated with me u til we reached the exit gate.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened to reveal the top floor of the rockerfella center. We walked out onto the outdoor observation deck, with y/n being slightly ahead of me. She stopped when she reached the edge where the glass barriers were and I walked up behind her, slowly wrapping my arms around her waist and pulled her back into my body. I placed a couple of soft kisses against her neck and then rested my chin on her shoulder. She leaned into my embrace and rested her head on mine, bringing her hands to hold my arms.

"Hey-" she said quietly so only I could hear her.

"..hi-" I replied, matching her quietness.

"The view is so pretty" y/n said, fixing her eyes on the skyline.

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