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Dust and rocks flew a meter off the ground as I landed heavily onto the ledge. Wanda's cabin was located in a very inconvenient place, a ledge on the side of a mountain that can only be accessed by an aircraft or someone who can fly.

I straightened my posture and walked over to the wooden house on the side of the mountain. Before I could knock, the door opened with red energy surrounding the handle. She knew I was hear.

"Wanda?" I shouted into the quiet home.

"In hear y/n/n." Wanda called out to me from her room.

I walked in to find Wanda folding some clothes and placing them in neat piles on her bed. When she had finished she walked around to the side of her bed and opened the draw on her bed side table. She pulled out the thick, eerie book and handed it to me.

"For you." She said with a smile.

Wanda lead me to the spare bedroom and let me inside.

"You can stay as here. Why don't to let you unpack and you can begin reading, while I make us some dinner." She smiled.

"Yeah of course."

"Is paprikash okay?"

"Sure." I smiled.

"Great, I'll see you in half an hour."

Wanda shut the door behind her and I was left alone in what will be my new room for a while. I looked around at the plain layout and dull colours. I waved my hand and a trail of blue magic followed. The room changed to suit my style a little better, now it felt more like home.

I sat on the bed and opened the darkhold. As I ran my fingers over the words and drawings I felt a strange tingle in my finger tips and an unfamiliar sense of power in my core.

Since I'd been given these abilities, I have had no idea how to use them or control them. I have no idea what I'm capable of and with the darkhold, I can finally understand. Maybe this book holds the answers to the questions I've been asking myself for years.

I had gotten roughly one sixth of the way through before Wanda knocked on my door.

"It's ready!" She called to me.

We sat down at the table and Wanda placed the bowls of Paprikash in front of us.

"Smells amazing!" I complimented.

"I know right! Dig in there's plenty."

After a few mouthfuls of our food, Wanda started the conversation back up.

"So, how are you finding the book?" She asked me.

"Good. I'm learning a lot actually, I can do a lot more than I could before which is great." I said.

"Good to hear. We will begin training you properly in the morning. When you're ready, we will go ahead with a plan." She smiled.



"So, what exactly is this for?"

"I'm sure you're aware that America has the power of being able to travel the multiverse. With that power we will be able to be with our loved ones again, you can bring Nat home and I can be with Vis again. I couldn't do this alone and that why I need you're help. All we need is to take America's power. And you need a little guidance from the darkhold." She explained.

"Ah okay. When we take her power, will it hurt her?" I asked.

"...No. she will be fine." Wanda said hesitantly.

"Any other questions or do you wanna head to bed?" She asked me standing up and taking our bowls.

"Um... just one."

"What's up?"

"Why, um why are you're fingers turning, black?" I asked.

Wanda didn't say anything at first. She had stopped washing up and stared out of the window for a second before answering.

"It's nothing. Probably a wonky spell or something." She chuckled, "anyways we should get some rest."


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