Home sweet home

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An hour had passed. I had fallen asleep with my head against the window... again. I honestly have no idea how, its not exactly comfortable. We got onto a long winding road, which happened to be the drive into the actual compound. Tony went a bit far with that drive but it is Tony so its not surprising.

As we pulled up in front of the building, we came to a quick stop, which jolted me awake. I sat up and squinted my eyes as they adjusted to the light. I looked at Clint who looked at me with a stupid grin on his face.

"What!" I said sharply.

"Morning sleeping ugly, we're here" I pulled the rear-view mirror towards me, and gasped when i realised my hair was such a mess. He laughed while i quickly fixed it.

I rolled my eyes at him and opened the car door. I went round to the back door and pulled out my bags. Clint did the same and we walked in through the large doors. i looked around me. I was home.

"Y/N!!" I heard a voice call from my left. A red haired girl came running towards me. I dropped my backs and ran towards her holding my arms out.

"WANDA" I yelled back. she crashed into to me and threw her arms around my waist, mine over her shoulders.

She held me tight, after all it had been months since we saw each other, "Oh my goddd, i missed you so much"

"I've missed you to" i pulled out of the hug to see peter stood behind her. I smiled at Wanda and walked over to Peter.

"Pete hey" I said while pulling him into a hug.

He hugged me back and took a deep breath in then pulled away. He looked at me for a second.
"Its so good to see you, what happened to meeting up though?" he said with a frown on his face.

"Ah I'm sorry peter, i've been busy" I apologised.

"Hey nah its alright, you're here now that's all that matters" I smiled at him, then felt Wanda place her hand on my shoulder.

"I'll walk you to your room" She said with a smile.

"Yeah okay thanks"

We walked up the stairs and down the long hall just full of different corridors leading to all the different rooms where everyone slept. We stopped outside my door and I placed my hand on the scanner.

"Identification" The machine asked.

"Y/n Romanoff"

"Access Granted, Welcome back Miss Romanoff"

"Thanks F.R.I.D.A.Y" I replied.

I walked into my room with Wanda following behind me. It was just as I left it, well aside from fresh sheet and towels and stuff.

I threw my bags near to the closet and i walked over to my bed and flopped down on it. Wanda came over and sat beside me.

i let out a sigh, "omg it feels so great to be back home"

She laughed then stood up walking towards my shelf with pots of different snacks laid across it. She reached into a pot of gummy bears and grabbed a hand full. She leaned on my cabinet that was below the shelf, still facing me.

"So Wands, how many recruits are there gonna be coming in?" I asked her

"Including you, there are 3. You, Peter as you know, and another that Clint recruited. Her name is Kate Bishop" Wanda said while stuffing her face with gummy bears.

"Kate Bishop huh? What does she do?"

"Well, i guess she is pretty much Clint. She is a pretty good archer, she is very well experienced in martial arts and she knows gymnastics. Clint and her fought the tracksuits and also Yelena, but don't worry about Yelena she is on our side now, she was a little confused" she rambled on.

"Oh that's pretty cool. Anyways its getting late we should probably get some sleep" i suggested, yawning at the same time.

"Yeah we should, important day tomorrow" She said getting up to walk to my door. She stopped at my door and turned around to look at me. "How about i make breakfast tomorrow? As a welcome home gift"

"Yeah thanks, that sounds great."

"Okay, goodnight Y/n/n"

"Goodnight Wands"

She smiled and walked out of my room. I sat up and summoned a little ball of blue energy. I directed it towards my door handle, and locked the door. Wanda and I had became best friends as we bonded during training. We both share the powers from the mind stone after all. We knew each other at hydra and we were the only two to get these powers, the only difference was hers were red, mine were blue and also she was always a little stronger than me. That wasn't my only power though, i was inject with the super soldier formula before then so that's one thing, also i had like the most accurate aim ever but i don't really know how i got that, probably a side effect or something.

I quickly got changed into shorts and a hoodie and got into bed. Tomorrow was gonna be a big day.

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